Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

28.5 The Structure of Liquids 1187

Using Eq. (28.5-3), the classical canonical partition function of a monatomic liquid
ofNatoms is

Zcl(2πmkBT)^3 N/^2







2 Vm

) 1 / 3


2 Vm,s

) 1 / 3 ⎤

e−u^0 /kBT





The pressure can be calculated from Eq. (27.5-7) using this partition function:








1 −



) 1 / 3 (28.5-5)

Exercise 28.10
Carry out the differentiation to obtain Eq. (28.5-5).

The formula for the pressure given in Eq. (28.5-5) approaches the ideal gas value for
large molar volume, and diverges as the molar volume approaches the molar volume
of the solid at 0 K. This behavior is qualitatively correct, but the cell model does not
predict accurate values of the pressure. Lennard–Jones and Devonshire^25 developed an
improved version of the cell model, in which they explicitly summed up the potential
energy contributions for the nearest neighbors, obtaining better results.

Computer Simulations of Liquid Structure

With the advent of fast computers, numerical simulations of liquid structure have
become practical. There are two principal simulation methods, theMonte Carlomethod
andmolecular dynamics. The Monte Carlo method is so named because it uses a random
number generator, reminiscent of the six-sided random number generators (dice) used
in gambling casinos, such as those in Monte Carlo. This method was pioneered by
In the Monte Carlo method a system of several hundred or a few thousand molecules
is considered. An initial set of coordinates for all of the molecules is generated in some
way, and further states are generated as follows: A random number generator is used
to pick a number,b, between−1 and 1. A particle is moved a distance∆xabin
thexdirection, whereais a predetermined maximum displacement. The change in
potential energy of the system,∆V, is then calculated. If∆V <0, the particle is left
at the new location. If∆V >0, the particle is assigned a probability of staying at the
new location. This is done by choosing a new random number,c, between 0 and 1. If
c>exp(−∆V/kBT), the particle is left at the new location. Otherwise, it is returned
to its old location. Similar displacements are taken in theyandzdirections for the first
particle, and then in all three directions for all other particles.
Each time a new set of locations is obtained (including a set obtained by returning
a particle to its old position), the value of the quantity to be averaged is calculated and

(^25) J. E. Lennard–Jones and A. F. Devonshire,Proc. Roy Soc. (London),A163, 53 (1937) andA165,
1 (1938).
(^26) N. Metropolis, A. W. Rosenbluth, M. N. Rosenbluth, A. H. Teller, and E. Teller,J. Chem. Phys., 21 ,
1087 (1953).

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