Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

28.10 Nanomaterials 1207


28.45Label each of the following statements as either true or
false. If a statement is true only under special
circumstances, label it as false.
a.All solids are crystalline.
b.The melting temperature is an indicator of the strength
of the forces holding a solid together.
c.Liquid crystals are intermediate in their properties
between liquids and solids.
d.The properties of gases arise primarily from the
molecular kinetic energy, whereas the properties of
liquids and solids arise primarily from the molecular
potential energy.
e.The stretching of a rubber band can be treated
thermodynamically just like the stretching of a coil
f.The Einstein temperature of a crystal is generally
smaller than the Debye temperature of the same

g.The effective volume of a polymer molecule in a theta
solvent is approximately proportional toN^3 /^2 , where
Nis the number of monomer units.
h.All solids obey the law of Dulong and Petit at
sufficiently high temperature.
i.The molar mass of a polymer determined by a
viscosity experiment will always be different from the
molar mass determined by an osmotic pressure
j.The heat capacity of a nonconductor is approximately
proportional toT^3 at sufficiently low
k.The electrical conductivity of a typical metal increases
with increasing temperature.
l.Zinc should be a better electrical conductor than
copper because it has two 4selectrons, whereas
copper has only one.
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