Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

B Some Useful Mathematics 1239

IfT,V, andnare the independent variables in the exact differential thenzis a function
ofT,V, andn. The theorem states that a line integral ofdzis equal to the value ofzat
the end point of the integration minus the value ofzat the starting point:




















z(T 2 ,V 2 ,n 2 )−z(T 1 ,V 1 ,n 1 ) (B-23)

whereT 2 ,V 2 , andn 2 are the values of the independent variables at the final point of
the curve, andT 1 ,V 1 , andn 1 are the values at the initial point of the curve. Since many
different curves can have the same initial and final points, Eq. (B-23) means that the
line integral depends only on the initial point and the final point, and is independent
of the curve between these points. It is said to bepath-independent. The line integral
of an inexact differential is generallypath-dependent. That is, one can always find two
or more paths between a given initial point and a given final point for which the line
integrals are not equal.

Multiple Integrals Ifff(x,y,z) is an integrand function, a multiple integral with
constant limits is denoted by

I(a 1 ,a 2 ,b 1 ,b 2 ,c 1 ,c 2 )

∫a 2

a 1

∫b 2

b 1

∫c 2

c 1

f(x,y,z)dzdydx (B-24)

The integrations are carried out sequentially. The leftmost differential and the rightmost
integral sign belong together, and this integration is done first, and so on. Variables
not yet integrated are treated as constants during the integrations. In Eq. (B-24),zis
first integrated fromc 1 toc 2 , treatingxandyas constants during this integration.
The result is a function ofxandy, which is the integrand whenyis then integrated
fromb 1 tob 2 , treatingxas a constant. The result is a function ofx, which is the
integrand whenxis then integrated froma 1 toa 2. In this multiple integral the limits
of thezintegration can be replaced by functions ofxandy, and the limits of they
integration can be replaced by functions ofx. The limit functions are substituted into the
indefinite integral in exactly the same way as are constants when the indefinite integral is
evaluated at the limits.
If the variables are Cartesian coordinates and the limits are constants, the region of
integration is a rectangular parallelepiped (box) as shown in Figure B.2. If the limits
for the first two integrations are not constants, the region of integration can have a more
complicated shape.

Region of integration
ofx from a 1 to a 2
y from b 1 to b 2
z from c 1 to c 2




c 2

c 1

a 1
a 2

b 1 b^2

Figure B.2 An Integration Region
in Cartesian Coordinates with Con-
stant Limits.

The integration process can be depicted geometrically as follows: The product
dxdydzis avolume elementand is depicted in Figure B.3 (although the box pictured
has finite dimensions and the volume elementdxdydzis infinitesimal). This volume
element is also denoted asd^3 r.If(x,y,z) represents a point in the volume element,
then the contribution of the element of volume to the integral is equal to the value of
the function at (x,y,z) times the volume of the volume element:

(contribution of the volume elementdxdydz)f(x,y,z)dxdydz (B-25)

The integral is the sum of the contributions of all the volume elements in the region of
If an integral over a volume in three-dimensional space is needed and spherical
polar coordinates are used, the volume element is as depicted in Figure B.4. The length
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