Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

1248 B Some Useful Mathematics




fj∗fjdq (B-73)


aj∗aj (B-74)

A quantity equals its complex conjugate if and only if it is real, so thatajmust be real.
Property 5. Two eigenfunctions of a hermitian operator with different eigenvalues
are orthogonal to each other.
Two functionsfandgareorthogonalto each other if


g∗fdq 0


definition of



wheref∗is the complex conjugate offandg∗is the complex conjugate ofg. The
two integrals in Eq. (B-75) are the complex conjugates of each other, so that if one
vanishes, so does the other.
We prove property 5 as follows: Multiply the eigenvalue equation, Eq. (B-69), by
fk∗, the complex conjugate of a different eigenfunction, and integrate, factoring the
constant eigenvalue out of the integral:


fk∗fjdq (B-76)

Now apply the hermitian property to the left-hand side of this equation:




fk∗fjdq (B-77)

where we have replaceda∗kbyakbecause we knowakto be real. The left-hand sides
of Eqs. (B-76) and (B-77) are equal, so the difference of the right-hand sides vanishes:


fk∗fjdq 0 (B-78)

If the two eigenvalues are not equal to each other, the integral must vanish, and we
have proved the orthogonality offkandfj:

fk∗fjdq 0 (B-79)

If two eigenfunctions have equal eigenvalues, they are not necessarily orthogonal to
each other, but linear combinations of the eigenfunctions can be constructed that are
orthogonal to each other.
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