Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

D. Some Derivations of Formulas and Methods

This appendix expands on some of the things presented without derivation.

D.1 Caratheodory’s Theorem

Caratheodory devised a three-part proof that the mathematical statement of the second
law follows from a physical statement of the second law.^3 The first part is to establish
that in the state space of the system only one reversible adiabat passes through any
given point. This was shown in Chapter 3. The second part of the argument is to show
that this fact implies that a functionSexists whose differential vanishes along the
reversible adiabat on whichdqrevalso vanishes. This implies thatdqrevpossesses an
integrating factor, which is a functionythat produces an exact differentialdSwhen it
multiplies an inexact differential:

dSydqrev (D-1)

The third part of the proof is to show thaty 1 /Tis a valid choice for an integrating
We will give only a nonrigorous outline of Caratheodory’s proof.^4 We represent the
state of a simple closed system by a point in the state space withTon the vertical axis
andVon the horizontal axis. The main idea is that if there is a single curve in this space
along whichdqrevvanishes there is also a differential of a function,dS, which vanishes
on the same curve. Consider reversible adiabatic processes of a closed simple system
starting from a particular initial state. Since no two adiabats can cross the reversible
adiabat can be represented mathematically by a function

Tf(V) (D-2)

Equation (2.4-21b) is an example of such a function, holding for an ideal gas with
constant heat capacity, but for another system it would be whatever function applies to
that system. Equation (D-2) is the same as

0 f(V)−T (valid only on the curve) (D-3)

(^3) C. Caratheodory,Math. Ann., 67 , 335 (1909).
(^4) J. G. Kirkwood and I. Oppenheim,Chemical Thermodynamics, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1961, p. 31ff;
J. deHeer,Phenomenological Thermodynamics, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1986, p. 123ff.

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