Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

E Classical Mechanics 1271

The second term in Eq. (E-15) produces a rate of change in


ρifV does not depend
onρ. This represents thecentrifugal force, which is not a force, but an expression of
the natural tendency of an orbiting particle to move off in a straight line. To maintain
a circular orbit about the origin of coordinates, the second term must be canceled by a
centripetal force:









where the speedvin a circular orbit equalsρ


An important variable for an orbiting object is theangular momentumaround a fixed
center. This is the vector

Lmr×v (E-18)

whereris the position vector from the fixed center to the particle,vis its velocity
vector, and×stands for the cross product of two vectors, discussed in Appendix B.
Figure E.2 illustrates the angular momentum of a single orbiting particle. In a circular
orbit,randvare perpendicular to each other and the angular momentum vector has
the magnitude



φ (E-19)

For any moving mass not subject to friction or forces other than a centripetal force,
the angular momentum about a fixed center remains constant. We say that it iscon-
served. The orbit of the moving mass remains in the same plane, and the angular
momentum has a fixed direction and a fixed magnitude. If a system consists of sev-
eral interacting particles, the vector sum of their angular momenta (the total angular
momentum) is conserved. If the set of particles constitutes a rotating rigid body such
as a gyroscope spinning on its axis, the total angular momentum remains constant if no
forces act on the body. Figure E.3 shows a simple gyroscope. If a gyroscope stands on
one end of its axis at an angle in a gravitational field, the gravitational force produces a
torque (a turning force) in the direction that would make the gyroscope fall on its side
if it were not rotating. If it is rotating, instead of making the gyroscope fall on its side,
it makes the axis move (precess) around a vertical cone, as shown in the figure.

Cone of directions
ofL as L precesses
in a gravitational field


Supporting object

Figure E.3 A Simple Gyroscope.If
a torque is placed on a gyroscope,
as by supporting one end of the gyro-
scope in a gravitational field, the gyro-
scope will precess, which means that
its axis of rotation will move around a
cone with a vertical axis.

E.4 Hamiltonian Mechanics

Hamilton’s method is similar to that of Lagrange in that it provides equations of motion
that have the same form in any coordinate system. It usesconjugate momentainstead
of time derivatives of coordinates as state variables. The conjugate momentum to the
coordinateqiis defined by





(i1, 2,...,n) (definition) (E-20)

whereLis the Lagrangian. The momentum conjugate to a Cartesian coordinate is a
component of the ordinary (linear) momentum:

pxmvx, pymvy, pzmvz (E-21)
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