Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

1380 Index

Solute(s), 249
activity of, 315
colligative properties of, 292–298
boiling point elevation, 295–296
freezing point depression, 292–295
osmotic pressure, 297–298, 297f
vapor pressure lowering, 296
distribution between two solvents, 251–252
equilibrium constant of, 316, 348
nonvolatile, activities of, 267–274
stoichiometric molality of, 269
thermodynamic properties for, 279–280
Solute standard state, 263
Solution(s), 237
activities and activity coefficients in,
chemical equilibrium in, 315–326
electrolyte solutes, 318–320
water ionization, 320–326
colligative properties of, 292–298
boiling point elevation, 295–296
freezing point depression, 292–295
osmotic pressure, 297–298, 297f
vapor pressure lowering, 296
composition of, 252–255
ideal, 237
of ions, electrical conductivity of, 441
nonelectrolyte solutes in dilute,
Henry’s law, 237
phase diagrams of, 282–290
thermodynamic functions of, 275–280
polymers in, 1198–1200
thermodynamics of, 237–299
activity and activity coefficients, 258–266
colligative properties, 292–298
Henry’s law and dilute nonelectrolyte
solutions, 248–257
ideal solutions, 238–247
nonideal solutions, 275–280
phase diagrams, 282–290
summary of, 299
Solvation effect, in electrolyte solutions, 479
Solvent(s), 249
activity of, 315
enthalpy change of fusion of, 293
equilibrium constant of, 316
NMR and, 1021, 1021f
osmotic coefficient of, 269
Raoult’s law and, 256–257
solute distribution between two, 251–252

Solvent standard state, 263
sphybrid orbitals, 868–871, 912
sp^2 hybrid orbitals, 871–872, 872f, 912
sp^3 hybrid orbitals, 912
of ammonia, 875
of methane, 873–875, 874f
of water, 875–877, 875f
Space orbital, 757
Specific heat capacity (CP), 52
heat capacity and, 170–172
Specific rotation, 995–996
Specific viscosity, 1198–1199
Specifically adsorbed ions, 597
Specificity, of enzymes, 576
of atoms, 959–960, 959f
hydrogen, 959–960, 959f
multielectron, 960
for ESR, 1012–1013, 1013f
of microwave radiation, 962, 963f
of NMR, 1016, 1016f
rotational, of diatomic molecules, 961–964
Spectral lines, 646
in absorption spectroscopy, 957–958, 957f
in emission spectroscopy, 954
fundamental band of, 965–966, 966f
intensity of, 964
Spectral radiant emittance, of blackbody,
641, 642f
Spectrophotometer, 955–956, 955f
Spectroscopic transitions, quantum mechanics
of, 951–955, 954–955f
Spectroscopy, 949
absorption, 951–958, 955–957f
circular dichroism and optical rotatory
dispersion, 993–996, 994–995f
emission, 951–955, 954–955f
ESR, 1010–1013, 1013f, 1032
Fourier transform
infrared, 969–971, 969f
NMR spectroscopy, 1024–1032
infrared, 969–971, 969f
Raman spectroscopyvs., 988
of polyatomic molecules, 975
Raman spectroscopyvs., 988
NMR, 1014–1022, 1032
photoacoustic, 993
photoelectron, 991–993
Raman, 949, 985–991, 985f, 997
process of, 985–987

rotational, 987
vibrational, 987–991, 989–990f
reactive intermediate detection with, 609
resolution in, 958
of rotational transitions, 949, 961–964
summary for, 996–997
of vibrational transitions, 949
Specular collision, 411
Speed, 391
in classical mechanics, 621
of traveling waves, 637
Spheres, closest packing of, 1156–1158, 1157f
Spherical harmonic functions, 733, 760
normalized, 733, 734t
Spherical polar coordinates
hydrogen atom orbitals in, 750, 750f
infinitesimal volume element in,
1239–1241, 1240f
for molecular speed distribution,
405–406, 406f
for relative Schrödinger equation, 725,
729–730, 730f
Spherical top, 934, 936
of electrons, 725, 760
directions of, 757, 757f
magnetic dipole, 1007–1008
of nucleus, 930–932
magnetic dipole, 1008–1010
Spin decoupling, 1021
Spin function, 757–758
Spin orbital, 757
diagonal rule for, 810, 810f
exceptions to, 811, 811t
Spin-echo technique, for NMR, 1026–1027f,
Spin-lattice relaxation time, 1025
Spin-orbit coupling, 758
Spin-spin coupling
of NMR, 1017–1020, 1019–1020f
patterns of, 1019
removal of, 1021
Spin-spin coupling constant, 1017
Spin-spin relaxation time, 1025, 1026f
spin-echo technique for, 1026–1027f,
Spin-spin splitting
impurity and solvent effects, 1021, 1021f
of NMR, 1017–1020, 1019–1020f
patterns of, 1019, 1019f
Spontaneous emission, of radiation, 953
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