4.4 Gibbs Energy Calculations 175
4.4 Gibbs Energy Calculations
For a closed simple system at constant temperature, Eq. (4.2-19) is
dGVdP (simple system,Tandnconstant) (4.4-1)
Integration of this formula at constantTandngives
G(T,P 2 ,n)−G(T,P 1 ,n)
∫P 2
P 1
VdP (4.4-2)
The Gibbs Energy of an Ideal Gas
For an ideal gas of one substance Eq. (4.4-2) becomes
G(T,P 2 ,n)G(T,P 1 ,n)+nRT
∫P 2
P 1
G(T,P 2 ,n)G(T,P 1 ,n)+nRTln
P 2
P 1
(ideal gas) (4.4-3)
The molar Gibbs energy,Gm, is equal toG/n,
Gm(T,P 2 )Gm(T,P 1 )+RTln
P 2
P 1
(ideal gas) (4.4-4)
Thestandard statefor the Gibbs energy of an ideal gas is the same as for the
entropy: a fixed pressure ofP◦, thestandard pressure, defined to be exactly equal to
1 bar100000 Pa. Specifying the standard state does not specify a particular temper-
ature. There is a different standard state for each temperature. At one time a value
of 1 atm was used forP◦. Use of this choice forP◦makes no difference to the
formulas that we write and makes only a small difference in numerical values. For
highly accurate work, one must determine whether the 1-atm standard state or the
1-bar standard state has been used in a given table of numerical values. If state 1
is chosen to be the standard state and if the subscript is dropped onP 2 , Eq. (4.4-4)
(ideal gas) (4.4-5)
whereG◦m(T) is the molar Gibbs energy of the gas in the standard state at tempera-
Obtain a formula to change from the 1-atm standard state to the 1-bar standard state for an
ideal gas.