Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

6.7 Colligative Properties 299

Summary of the Chapter

For each component of an ideal solution, by definition


Each component of an ideal solution nearly obeys Raoult’s law,


wherexiis the mole fraction of componentiin the solution. In a nonideal solution, the
partial vapor pressure of a sufficiently dilute solute is governed by Henry’s law:


The activityaiof substanceiin any state is defined by the relation


whereμ◦iis the chemical potential in some standard state. According to two different
mole fraction descriptions, called convention I and convention II, the activity is given


The activity of a solute in the molality description is given by



The Debye–Hückel theory provides an accurate limiting law for the activity coefficients
of electrolyte solutes. A semi-empirical equation, the Davies equation, can provide
usable estimates of electrolyte activity coefficients at larger concentrations.
Two-component pressure–composition and temperature–composition phase dia-
grams give information about phases present at equilibrium. For a three-component
system, a composition–composition diagram at constant temperature and pressure is
plotted in an equilateral triangle.
The four principal colligative properties are freezing point depression, boiling point
elevation, vapor pressure lowering, and osmotic pressure. In each case, the magnitude
of the effect in a dilute solution is determined by the concentration of the solute but is
independent of its identity.
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