Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

8.3 Half-Cell Potentials and Cell Potentials 369


Assuming that∆H◦is constant, findE◦at 323.15 K for the Daniell cell. Neglect the liquid
junction potential.
E◦ 1 .1030 V at 298.15 K. We find from enthalpy changes of formation in Table A.8 of
Appendix A that∆H◦− 218 .66 kJ mol−^1. From Eq. (8.3-8)

E◦(323.15 K)
323 .15 K

1 .1030 V
298 .15 K

−218660 J mol−^1
(2)(96485 C mol−^1 )

323 .15 K

298 .15 K


 3. 699 × 10 −^3 VK−^1 − 2. 94 × 10 −^4 VK−^1

 3. 405 × 10 −^3 VK−^1

E◦(323.15 K)(3. 405 × 10 −^3 VK−^1 )(323.15 K) 1 .100 V

Exercise 8.9
FindE◦at 75◦C for the cell with a hydrogen electrode on the left, a silver–silver chloride
electrode on the right, and a solution of HCl. Assume that∆H◦is temperature-independent.


Section 8.3: Half-Cell Potentials and Cell Potentials

8.7Find the cell voltage of an electrochemical cell with a
Pb/PbSO 4 electrode on the left, a PbO 2 /PbSO 4 electrode
on the right, and a solution of H 2 SO 4 with a molality of
1.00 mol kg−^1 at 298.15 K. Assume that the mean ionic
activity coefficient of H 2 SO 4 at this molality is equal
to 0.36.
8.8 a.Using the extrapolation of Eq. (8.2-21), findE◦
for the cell of Figure 8.2. The following are
(contrived) data for the cell voltage at 298.15 K
withP(H 2 )P◦:

m/mol kg−^1 : 0.0100 0.0200 0.0300 0.0400 0.0500
E/volt: 0.4643 0.4305 0.4108 0.3970 0.3863

m/mol kg−^1 : 0.0600 0.0700 0.0800 0.0900 0.1000
E/volt: 0.3776 0.3703 0.3639 0.3583 0.3533

b.Using the extrapolation of Eq. (8.2-22), findE◦for the
cell of Figure 8.2.

8.9 a.Write the cell symbol for the cell with the half-reactions

Pb^2 ++ 2 e−−→Pb(s)

Why is a salt bridge needed? What substance would
you not use in the salt bridge?
b.Draw a sketch of the cell of part a.
c.Find the value ofEfor the cell if the activity of Pb^2 +is
0.100 and that of the Cl−is 0.200 on the molality scale.
State any assumptions.
8.10 Instead of the oxidation half-reaction used in Example 8.1,
use the reverse of the half-reaction

2H 2 O+ 2 e−−→H 2 +2OH− E◦− 0 .8277 V

to calculate the reversible cell potential. Since the OH−ion
is not in its standard state, the Nernst equation must be
8.11 In calculating theE◦value for a cell from half-reactionE◦
values, the half-reactionE◦values are added or subtracted
directly, without multiplying by the number of electrons in
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