Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

10.2 Transport Processes 453

exerted on the fluid by the upper plate, but also for the force exerted on one layer of
the fluid by the adjacent layer.
Newton’s law is formulated so that the rate of shear (∂uy/∂z) plays the role of a
driving force while the force per unit area plays the role of a rate variable. This seems
like a role reversal, but defining Newton’s law in this way corresponds to a viscosity
coefficient that is larger for more viscous fluids. Newton’s law is valid only forlaminar
flow, which means flow in layers. Flow that is not laminar is calledturbulent flow, and
Newton’s law does not hold for turbulent flow. There are some liquids, such as blood
and polymer solutions, that do not obey Newton’s law even for laminar flow. These
fluids are callednon-Newtonian fluidsorthixotropic fluidsand can be described by a
viscosity coefficient that depends on the rate of shear.


The viscosity coefficient of water at 20◦C equals 0.001002 kg m−^1 s−^1 (0.001002 Pa s). For
an apparatus like that in Figure 10.1, find the force per unit area required to keep the upper
plate moving at a speed of 0.250 m s−^1 if the tank is 0.0500 m deep.
The rate of shear has an average value of


0 .250 m s−^1
0 .0500 m
 5 .00 s−^1

so that


0 .001002 kg m−^1 s−^1

5 .00 s−^1


 5. 01 × 10 −^3 kg m−^1 s−^2  5. 01 × 10 −^3 Nm−^2

Poiseuille’s Equation for Viscous Flow in a Tube

This equation describes the rate of laminar flow of a liquid through a straight tube or
pipe of lengthLand radiusR. We assume that the tube is parallel to thezaxis and we
assume that the velocity depends only onr, the perpendicular distance from the center
of the tube. Consider a portion of the fluid that is contained in an imaginary cylinder
of radiusrthat is concentric with the tube walls, as depicted in Figure 10.5.
When a steady state has been reached there is no net force on the fluid since it
does not accelerate. The frictional force due to viscosity at the surface of the cylinder
balances the hydrostatic force pushing the liquid through the cylinder. From Newton’s
law of viscous flow,



∣ (10.2-22)

whereFfis the magnitude of the frictional force on the liquid in the imaginary cylinder
andA is the area of its surface (excluding the area of its ends). This area is the
circumference times the length of the cylinder:

A 2 πrL
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