Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

10.2 Transport Processes 457


Calculate the Reynolds number for the flow of water in Example 10.6. Is the flow laminar?



(0. 500 × 10 −^3 m)(2.48 m s−^1 )(998.2kgm−^3 )
(0.001002 kg m−^1 s−^1 )


The flow is probably laminar.

Exercise 10.7
Estimate the Reynolds number for the flow of blood in a typical human capillary. Is the flow
laminar? The average diameter of a red blood cell is roughly 7μm, which is the same as the
assumed diameter of the capillaries. Comment on this fact.


Water flows through a tube of length 0.420 m and radius 0.00520 m. If the pressure difference
is 0.0500 atm and the temperature is 20◦C, find the volume of water that flows in 1.000 hour,
assuming laminar flow.


(P 2 −P 1 )πR^4
8 Lη

(0.0500 atm)(101325 Pa atm−^1 )π(0.00520 m)^4
8(0.420 m)(0.001002 kg m−^1 s−^1 )

 3. 457 × 10 −^3 m^3 s−^1  3 .457 L s−^1

V(3. 457 × 10 −^3 m^3 s−^1 )(3600 s) 12 .4m^3

Exercise 10.8
Estimate the Reynolds number for the flow in the previous example. Is the answer to this example
usable? What is the maximum value of the pressure difference that would correspond to laminar

Stokes’ Law

If a spherical object moves through a fluid or if the fluid flows past it, there is a frictional
force on the object. If the flow is laminar and if the object moves with a velocityv
through a fluid with viscosityη, Stokes’ law is

Stokes’ law was derived from the laws
of hydrodynamics by George Gabriel
Stokes, 1819–1903, an Anglo-Irish
mathematician and physicist who
pioneered the science of

Ff− 6 πηrv (Stokes’ law) (10.2-27)
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