Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

10.3 The Gas Kinetic Theory of Transport Processes in Hard-Sphere Gases 461

situation can be approximated in the laboratory by using two substances that differ only
by isotopic substitution. Diffusion of such actual substances is calledtracer diffusion.
We now define a gaseous model system that contains two kinds of hard spherical
molecules with the same size and mass. The system is at a uniform temperature
and pressure and is contained in a rectangular box with four vertical sides. The
concentrations of the two substances depend on the vertical coordinatezbut not on
the horizontal coordinatesxandy. The sum of the two concentrations is independent
of position so that the pressure is uniform. Figure 10.7 depicts this model system.
In the interior of the system we place three imaginary horizontal planes. The center
plane is located atzz′, the upper plane is located atz′+λ, and the lower plane
is located atz′−λ, whereλis the mean free path between collisions of a molecule
with any kind of molecule.
We assume that all molecules passing upward through the center plane last suffered
collisions at the lower plane and were equilibrated at that location. Molecules passing
downward through the center plane are assumed to have been equilibrated at the upper
plane. This assumption is not correct for every molecule since thezcomponent of
every free path is not equal to the mean free path and since equilibration might not be
complete at each collision. It should be roughly valid on the average.
The number of molecules of substance 1 passing upward through the center plane
per unit area per unit time is given by Eq. (9.6-6):

ν 1 (up)



N 1 (z′−λ)〈v〉 (10.3-1)

Location of equilibration
of molecule coming
from above at z 5 z' 1 λ

Location of equilibration
of molecule coming
from below at z 5 z' 2 λ

z 5 z' 1 λ

z 5 z'

z 5 z' 2 λ




Figure 10.7 The Model System Showing Three Imaginary Planes for Analysis of
Self-Diffusion in a Hard-Sphere Gas.
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