Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

490 11 The Rates of Chemical Reactions

is found to be first order. The rate constant at 337.6 K is equal to 5. 12 × 10 −^3 s−^1 .aIf
the partial pressure of N 2 O 5 is 0.500 atm at timet0, find the partial pressure of N 2 O 5
att 60 .0 s, neglecting any reverse reaction and assuming that the system is at constant
Assuming the gas to be ideal, the partial pressure of a gas is proportional to the concentration.
In the case of constant temperature Eq. (11.2-5) can be rewritten in terms of pressure:

P(N 2 O 5 )tP(N 2 O 5 ) 0 e−kft

(0.500 atm)exp

−(5. 12 × 10 −^3 s−^1 )(60.0s)

 0 .368 atm

aH. S. Johnston and Y. Tao,J. Am. Chem. Soc., 73 , 2948 (1951).

Thehalf-life,t 1 / 2 , is defined as the time required for half of the original amount of
the reactant to be consumed. Since[A]t 1 / 2 [A] 0 /2, we can write from Eq. (11.2-4)

kft 1 / 2 −ln


A]t 1 / 2
[A] 0









t 1 / 2 


0. 69315


(first order,
no reverse reaction)


Therelaxation timeτis the time for the amount of reactant to drop to a fraction
1 /e(approximately 0.3679) of its original value. Substitution of this definition into
Eq. (11.2-4) gives




t 1 / 2

≈ 1. 4427 t 1 / 2
(first order,
no reverse reaction)


Exercise 11.2
a.Verify Eq. (11.2-7).
b.Find the half-life and the relaxation time for the reaction of Example 11.1.

The decay of radioactive nuclides obeys first-order kinetics with rate constants that
do not appear to depend on temperature. Half-lives, not rate constants, are tabulated
for radioactive nuclides.


The half-life of^235 U is equal to 7. 1 × 108 years. Find the first-order rate constant and the
relaxation time.
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