Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

496 11 The Rates of Chemical Reactions

Determination of Reaction Order Using the Half-Life

You can carry out several experiments with different initial concentrations at the same
temperature. If the half-life of the reaction is independent of concentration the reaction
is first order. To test for other orders we take the natural logarithm of both sides of
Eq. (11.2-18) to obtain

ln (t 1 / 2 )ln


2 n−^1 − 1


−(n−1) ln([A] 0 )(n1,n0) (11.2-21)

To use Eq. (11.2-21), one could construct a plot of ln(t 1 / 2 ) versus ln([A] 0 ). A straight
line should result, with slope equal to−(n−1) and with intercept equal to the first term
on the right-hand side of Eq. (11.2-21). Instead of carrying out different experiments,
one can also take the data for a single experiment and regard different times during
the experiment as “initial” times. The reverse reaction must be negligible for the entire


For the gas-phase reaction at 300◦C:

C 2 F 4 −→
cyclo-C 4 F 8

the following data on the concentration of C 2 F 4 were taken. Determine the order of the reac-
tion and the rate constant at this temperature. Assume that the reverse reaction is negligible.

Time/min Concentration /mol L−^1

00. 0500
250 0. 0250
750 0. 0125
1750 0. 00625
3750 0. 00312

This example can be solved by inspection. Each concentration is half of the previous con-
centration, so that the time interval from a given data point to the next is the half-life for the
reaction using the given data point as an “initial state.” We have

Half-life/min Initial concentration/mol L−^1

250 0. 0500
500 0. 0250
1000 0. 0125
2000 0. 00625

The half-life doubles each time the “initial” concentration is reduced to half its previous
value. This behavior indicates a second-order reaction. A linear least-squares fit of ln(t 1 / 2 )
versus ln([A] 0 ) confirms this result with order2.00 andkf 0 .080 L mol−^1 min−^1 
1. 3 × 10 −^3 L mol−^1 s−^1.
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