Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1
498 11 The Rates of Chemical Reactions


Section 11.2: Forward Reactions with One Reactant

11.3A hypothetical chemical reaction with a single reactant
and negligible back reaction is 40.0% complete after
185 s at some fixed temperature if the initial concentration
is 0.100 mol L−^1.
a.If the reaction is first order, find the rate constant and
the half-life.
b.If the reaction is second order, find the rate constant
and the half-life.
11.4Write the reaction equation of Example 11.1 in the form

2N 2 O 5 −→4NO 2 +O 2

with the rate equation


d[N 2 O 5 ]

kf′′[N 2 O 5 ]

a.How doesk′′frelate to the coefficientkfgiven in the
b. How does the change in the writing of the reaction
equation affect the half-life of the reaction? Write the
equation relatingt 1 / 2 tok′′f. Find the value of the
half-life of the reaction at the temperature of
Example 11.1.
c.How does the change in the writing of the reaction
equation affect the concentration or partial pressure
of the reactant at a given reaction time? Find the
partial pressure of N 2 O 5 after a reaction time of
100.0 s.
11.5The gas-phase thermal decomposition of bromoethane
follows first-order kinetics. At 500◦C, the rate constant is
equal to 0.1068 s−^1. If the initial pressure of bromoethane
is equal to 1.000 bar, find the partial pressure of
bromoethane at 10.00 s and at 100.0 s if the bromoethane
is decomposed at a constant volume and at a constant
temperature of 500◦C.
11.6For the gas-phase decomposition of N 2 O 3 , the following
data were taken:

time/s: 0 1109 2218
concentration/mol L−^1 : 0.500 0.250 0.125

a.What is the order of the reaction?
b.What is the value of the rate constant?

11.7The gas-phase reaction

SO 2 Cl 2 −→SO 2 +Cl 2

obeys first-order kinetics, withkf 2. 2 × 10 −^5 s−^1 at
320 ◦C.
a.Find the half-life of the reaction at 320◦C.
b.What length of time is required for 90.0% of the
reactant to be consumed at 320◦C?
11.8The gas-phase reaction

N 2 O 5 −→2NO 2 +

O 2

is found to be first order. The reaction was carried out at
constant temperature of 337.6 K in a constant-volume
container. The initial pressure is equal to 0.100 bar and
no substance is initially present except for N 2 O 5. The
total pressure after 100.0 s of reaction is found to be
0.160 bar.
a.Find the value of the rate constant at this temperature.
b.Find the partial pressure of N 2 O 5 after 100.0 s of
reaction. Neglect the reverse reaction.
c.Find the half-life of the reaction and find the total
pressure at this time.
11.9The following data were taken for the decomposition of
dinitrogen trioxide at some fixed temperature:

t/s: 0 184 526 867 1877
[N 2 O 3 ]/mol L−^1 : 2.33 2.08 1.67 1.36 0.72

Assuming that the reverse reaction is negligible,
determine whether the reaction is first, second, or third
order, and find the value of the rate constant at this
temperature. Proceed by graphing ln(c), 1/c, and 1/c^2 ,or
by making linear least-squares fits to these functions.
Express the rate constant in terms of partial pressure
instead of concentration.
11.10A certain reaction was studied at a fixed temperature. It
was found that if the initial concentration of the single
reactant were equal to 4. 86 × 10 −^3 mol L−^1 , the half-life
of the reaction were equal to 399 s. When the initial
concentration was 2. 28 × 10 −^3 mol L−^1 , the half-life was
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