Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

11.5 A Simple Reaction Mechanism: Two Consecutive Steps 511

The solution of this equation is carried out in Appendix B for the case that no B or F
is present at timet0. The solution is


k 1 [A] 0
k 2 −k 1

(e−k^1 t−e−k^2 t) (11.5-6)

Ifk 1 k 2 , the solution in Eq. (11.5-6) cannot be used. See Problem 11.34 for the
solution in this case.

Exercise 11.20
Substitute the function of Eq. (11.5-6) into the original differential equation of Eq. (11.5-5) and
show that it satisfies this equation.

The concentration of F is obtained from

[F][A] 0 −[A]−[B] (11.5-7)

Figure 11.6a shows the concentrations of all three substances for the case thatk 1 
0 .100 s−^1 andk 2  0 .500 s−^1 , and Figure 11.6b shows the concentrations for the case






0 10 s



20 s





10 s 20 s

Figure 11.6 The Concentrations of Substances A, B, and F for Consecutive Reac-
tions.(a) The case thatk 1 0.10 s−^1 and thatk 2 0.50 s−^1. (b) The case thatk 1 
0.50 s−^1 and thatk 2 0.10 s−^1.
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