Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

524 12 Chemical Reaction Mechanisms I: Rate Laws and Mechanisms

12.1 Reaction Mechanisms and Elementary

Processes in Gases
Most chemical reactions occur through mechanisms that involve at least two steps. In
many cases we have asequential mechanism, with one step being completed before
the next step occurs. There are alsoconcerted mechanisms, in which two steps occur
simultaneously. The steps in a mechanism are assumed to beelementary processes.An
elementary process is one that cannot be broken down into simpler steps. We classify
an elementary process by itsmolecularity, which is the number of reactant particles
(molecules, atoms, ions, or radicals) that are involved in it. If more than one substance is
involved in an elementary process, we define the molecularity of each substance as the
number of particles of that substances involved in the step and the overall molecularity
as the sum of these molecularities.
One of the gas-phase reactions that endanger the ozone layer in the earth’s upper
atmosphere is

2NO 2 +O 3 −→ N 2 O 5 +O 2 (12.1-1)

The reaction mechanism of the forward reaction is thought to consist of the following

(1) NO 2 +O 3 −→NO 3 +O 2
(2) NO 3 +NO 2 −→N 2 O 5


There is onereactive intermediate,NO 3 , which is produced in one step and consumed
in the other step. Addition of the steps of this mechanism gives the stoichiometric
equation, with cancellation of NO 3. Both steps in the mechanism of Eq. (12.1-2) are
bimolecular. That is, they involve two reactant particles.Unimolecularsteps involve
a single particle.Termolecularsteps involve three particles. Termolecular processes
are relatively slow because of the small probability that three molecules will collide or
diffuse together at once, and these processes occur less frequently in mechanics than do
bimolecular processes. Elementary processes involving four or more reactant particles
probably do not occur in chemical reaction mechanisms. We now make an important
assertion concerning the rate law of any elementary process:In an elementary process,
the order of any substance is equal to the molecularity of that substance.We now justify
this assertion for bimolecular elementary processes in the gas phase.

The Collision Theory of Bimolecular Elementary
Processes in Gases

Bimolecular elementary processes involve the collisions of two molecules, which we
discussed in Chapter 9. We now show that such a process obeys a second-order rate law.
The collision rate in a gas is very large, typically several billion collisions per second
for each molecule. If every collision in a reactive mixture led to chemical reaction,
gas-phase reactions would be complete in nanoseconds. Since gas-phase reactions are
almost never this rapid, it is apparent that only a small fraction of all collisions lead to
chemical reaction. We make the important assumption:The fraction of binary collisions

(^1) H. S. Johnston and D. M. Yost,J. Chem. Phys., 17 , 386 (1949).

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