Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

538 12 Chemical Reaction Mechanisms I: Rate Laws and Mechanisms


Assuming the activation energy and the value of the rate constant at 373 K from Example
12.6, find the effective collision diameter of a hydrogen molecule and an iodine molecule.
Using Eq. (12.3-17)


8 kBT

) 1 / 2

The value of〈vrel〉is 1988 m s−^1 , so that


8. 74 × 10 −^18 m^3 mol−^1 s−^1

1988 m−^1 s−^1

6. 022 × 1023 mol−^1

)e^54.^794  1. 45 × 10 −^21 m^2

d 3. 8 × 10 −^11 m38 pm 0. 38 A ̊

The value of the collision diameter in Example 12.8 is too small by a factor of about
1/10, which is typical of the collision theory. The explanation for the smallness of the
apparent collision diameter is that the molecules not only have to collide with at least
a minimum relative energy, but in many reactions must also be oriented properly in
order to react. Even two small molecules like H 2 and I 2 would presumably have to be
oriented correctly for the reaction to occur.
To account for the orientation dependence, a factor called thesteric factoris intro-
duced into the collision theory. The steric factor is defined to be the fraction of collisions
in which the orientation of the molecules is appropriate for reaction. If this factor is
denoted byφ, Eq. (12.3-17) becomes



8 kBT

) 1 / 2

e−Ec/RT (12.3-18)

Exercise 12.7
Find the value of the steric factor for the reaction of Example 12.8 that will give a value for the
collision diameter equal to the mean of the hard-sphere diameters of H 2 and I 2 in Table A.15 of
Appendix A.

Liquid-State Reactions

The temperature dependence of rate constants for both gaseous and liquid-state reactions
is usually well described by the Arrhenius formula, Eq. (12.3-2). For activation-limited
reactions, the activation energies are roughly equal to those for gas-phase reactions.
This is as expected, since the collisional activation is very similar to that of gaseous
reactions. In the case of diffusion-limited reactions, the temperature dependence of the
rate constant is governed by the diffusion coefficients. Diffusion coefficients in liquids
commonly have a temperature dependence given by Eq. (10.4-5), which is also of the
same form as the Arrhenius formula:

DD 0 e−Ea,d/RT (12.3-19)
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