Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

592 13 Chemical Reaction Mechanisms II: Catalysis and Miscellaneous Topics

Equation (13.4-9) agrees with experiment fairly well for the later stages of polymer-
ization, although not so well for the early stages. Figure 13.11 shows data for two
polyesterification reactions, each beginning with 82% of the carboxyl groups esterified.











20 40 60 80 100120 140

% Conversion of original COOH groups

112 p

1,10-Decamethylene glycol
at 161 8 C [S.D. Hamann, D.H.
Solomon, and J.D. Swift, J.
Macromol Sci.Chem.,A2,
153 (1968)]

Diethylene glycol at 109 8 C
[P.J. Flory, J. Am. Chem.
Soc., 61 , 3334 (1939)]

Figure 13.11 Polyesterification of
Adipic Acid with Two Polyalcohols,
Catalyzed with p-Toluene Sulfonic
Acid.The left axis shows the value
of 1/( 1 −p) wherep is the fraction
of carboxyl groups that have reacted.
The right axis is labeled with the
percent of original carboxyl groups that
have reacted. From H. R. Allcock and
F. W. Lampe,Contemporary Polymer
Chemistry, Prentice Hall, Englewood
Cliffs, NJ, 1981, p. 254.

Since there is a distribution of degrees of polymerization, there is a distribution of
molecular masses. Ifxis even, the molecular mass of molecules with a given value



Mr+18 amuxM 0 +18 amu≈xM 0 (13.4-10)

whereMris the mass of the repeating unit of the polymer in amu andM 0 is equal to
Mr/2. The term 18 amu is added because each molecule has an OH group at one end
and an H atom at the other end that are not part of the repeating unit. Equation (13.4-10)
can be modified for odd values ofx. For either odd or evenx, the final approximate
equality is valid for large values ofx.
LetNxbe the number of polymer molecules with degree of polymerization equal
toxand letXxdenote thenumber fractionof polymer molecules with this degree of




whereNis the total number of polymer molecules. Thenumber-average molecular
massis the mean molecular mass with each molecule given equal importance in the
averaging process:





x 1



x 1

XxMx (13.4-12)

where the sum is over all values ofx.We have used an infinite upper limit for the sum
for mathematical convenience. This introduces only a negligible error sinceNxrapidly
approaches zero for large values ofx. The number-average molecular mass is equal to
the total polymer mass divided by the total number of polymer molecules.
A formula for〈M〉ncan be derived from statistical reasoning.^24 We assume thatxis
even. The polymer molecule consists ofx−1 units with esterified carboxyl groups,
and one unit with a free carboxyl group. Let the fraction of all carboxyl groups that are
free be equal to 1−p, and the fraction that are esterified be equal top. The probability
of having a given value ofxis
Probability ofxpx−^1 (1−p) (13.4-13)

The number-average molecular mass can now be written



x 1

XxxM 0 M 0 (1−p)


x 1

xpx−^1 (13.4-14)

where a term equal to 18 amu has been omitted. This sum can be found in tables,^25


M 0 (1−p)

M 0

1 −p


(^24) H. R. Allcock and F. W. Lampe,op. cit. (note 23).
(^25) See for example H. B. Dwight,Tables of Integrals and Other Mathematical Data, 4th ed., Macmillan,
New York, 1961, p. 8.

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