Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

13.5 Nonequilibrium Electrochemistry 603


Reaction coordinate

–(1–a)nF(– 8 )

  • nF(– 8 )

    • nF(– 8 )


(b) (c)

Reaction coordinate


Reaction coordinate


–(1–a)nF(– 8 )

Figure 13.18 The Potential Energy as a Function of a Reaction Coordinate.(a) Without applied potential. (b) With a negative applied
potential. (c) Figure to show the effect of the symmetry factor. After Bard and Faulkner,op. cit., p. 94.

The maximum in the potential energy is partly due to the increase of the potential
energy of the positive ions as they approach the positive electrode, and partly due to the
energy required to remove electrons from the ions. The decrease of potential energy
as the reaction proceeds past the maximum in Figure 13.18a is due to the binding
of the electrons into the electrode. We regard the state of high potential energy as a
transition state and interpret the potential energy to reach the maximum from the left
as the activation energy for the oxidation half-reaction, denoted byEa,ox. The potential
energy required to reach the maximum from the right is the activation energy for the
reverse (reduction) half-reaction, denoted byEa,red. The rate constants of the forward
and reverse half-reactions can be represented by the Arrhenius formula of Eq. (12.3-1):

koxAoxe−Ea,ox/RT (13.5-10a)

kredArede−Ea,red/RT (13.5-10b)

where we assume that the preexponential factorsAoxandAredare temperature-
If the system is at equilibrium and if each half-reaction is first order, we can write
for unit area of the electrode

oxidation rate per unit areakox[R]eq
reduction rate per unit area (13.5-11)

where [O] is the concentration of the oxidized species (Fe^3 +in our example) and [R]
is the concentration of the reduced species (Fe^2 +in our example) at the surface of
the electrode. At equilibrium at the standard-state voltage [R] and [O] are equal and
kredkox. We denote this value of the rate constants byk◦eq:

k◦eqAoxexp(−E◦a,ox/RT)Aredexp(−E◦a,red/RT) (13.5-12)

where the superscript◦means that the values apply in the standard state at equilibrium.
Let us now change the counter e.m.f. in the external circuit, thus changing the electric
potential in the electrode fromφ◦(the value ofφcorresponding toEE◦)toanew
valueφ. The potential energy ofnmoles of electrons in the electrode is changed by an
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