Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

614 13 Chemical Reaction Mechanisms II: Catalysis and Miscellaneous Topics

laser study, in which it was verified that there is a population inversion in the products,
with thev2 vibrational state more highly populated than the other states, so that
laser action can occur from thev2 state to thev1 state or thev0 state. The
next investigation was a crossed molecular beam study, in which the angular distribu-
tion of products was determined, and in which it was found that most of the products
were “back-scattered” (scattered generally in the direction from which the reactants
had come).
Next came a classical trajectory calculation, in which the large back-scattering was
also found to occur. After this, anab initiocalculation of the potential energy surface
was carried out. Next came a quantum-mechanical calculation, in which it was found
that “resonances” or “quasi-bound states” occurred at the transition state, which means
that the activated complex existed for a longer period of time than expected, as it
would if there were a “basin” in the potential energy surface at the transition state. This
phenomenon was explained by the fact that the potential energy surface has a saddle
that is fairly broad in the direction of the symmetric stretch, lowering the energy of the
activated complex and causing its relative persistence.
Finally, a detailed chemiluminescence study gave the distribution of product states,
showing the most back-scattering in the lower four vibrational states, but a significant
forward scattering in thev4 vibrational state, and determining that on the average,
66% of the energy of reaction goes into vibrational energy, 8% into rotational energy,
and the remainder into translational energy. The calculations did not agree well with
the new experimental results.
Since the publication of the book by Levine and Bernstein, detailed quantum-
mechanical calculations of state-to-state reaction probabilities have been carried out.^42
Several different potential energy surfaces were used in these calculations. Better
agreement with experiment was attained, but only states of zero angular momentum
were included. Further research is focused on finding better potential energy surfaces.
One calculation gave a barrier height of 0.089 eV, corresponding to 8.6 kJ mol−^1.^43
Gimenez et al. carried out a detailed comparison between their three-dimensional quan-
tum mechanical calculations, and found good agreement with experiment.^44 Aoiz and
coworkers carried out a quasiclassical trajectory study and found significant discrep-
ancies between previous experimental results and the theory.^45 Persky and Kornweitz
published a critical review of the experimental data on this reaction.^46 They recom-
mend the following experimental values for the Arrhenius parameters for the reaction
between 190 K and 376 K:

A(1. 1 ± 0 .1)× 10 −^10 cm^3 molecule−^1 s−^1

Ea 3. 7 ± 0 .4kJmol−^1

The F+H 2 reaction is one of the most thoroughly studied of all chemical reac-
tions, but study of it continues as both calculations and experiments become more

(^42) C. Yu, Y. Sun, D. J. Kouri, P. Halvick, D. G. Truhlar, and D. W. Schwenke,J. Chem. Phys., 90 , 7608
(1989); C. Yu, D. J. Kouri, M. Zhaoo, D. G. Truhlar, and D. W. Schwenke,Chem. Phys. Lett., 157 , 491
(^43) G. E. Scuseria,J. Chem. Phys., 95 , 7426 (1991).
(^44) X. Gimenez, J. M. Lucas, A. Aguilar, and A. Lagana,J. Phys. Chem., 97 , 8578 (1993).
(^45) F. J. Aoiz, L. Banares, V. J. Herrero, V. S. Rabanos, K. Stark, and H.-J. Werner,J. Chem. Phys., 102 ,
9248 (1995).
(^46) A. Persky and H. Kornweitz,Int. J. Chem. Kinetics, 29 , 67 (1997).

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