Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1
656 15 The Principles of Quantum Mechanics. I. De Broglie Waves and the Schrödinger Equation

The notion of a fictitious wave moving along with a particle has been abandoned.
We now speak of a wave–particle duality for particles, similar to the wave–particle
duality of photons. The wave-like properties inherently belong to the object and not
to an accompanying wave. This wave–particle duality is illustrated by the results of a
hypothetical experiment.^3 A beam of electrons, all with the same speed, is allowed to
stream in a vacuum toward a partition with two slits in it, as depicted in Figure 15.2a.
At some distance on the other side of the partition is a screen coated with a material
such as zinc sulfide, which glows when an electron strikes it.
A glowing pattern of bands is observed on the screen when a beam of electrons passes
through the slits. This pattern is schematically depicted in Figure 15.2b. The intensity
of the glow is plotted as a function of position on the screen. If the difference in the
path lengths from the two slits to a given point on the screen equals an integral number
of wavelengths, there is constructive interference and a glowing band. Between the
bands, there is destructive interference and little or no glow. The beam of electrons
clearly behaves like waves that pass through both slits.
If the intensity of the source is decreased so that electrons pass through the slits
one at a time, there is a tiny localized flash at the point where each electron arrives.
If the flashes are summed over a long time, exactly the same pattern of diffraction
bands appears as with an intense beam of electrons, even though the electrons pass
through the slits one at a time. If one slit is covered while the electrons continue to
pass through the second slit, there is no diffraction pattern; a single band appears on
the screen. If the first slit is uncovered and the second slit is covered another single
band is observed. The sum of these two single bands shows no interference effect, as
shown schematically in Figure 15.2c. Wave-like interference properties are observed
only when both slits are open, even when one electron at a time passes through the
slits. It appears that each electron passes through both slits in a delocalized wave-like


Section 15.1: De Broglie Waves

15.1 Calculate the de Broglie wavelength of an argon atom
moving with a speed equal to the root-mean-square speed
of argon atoms at 300 K, given by gas kinetic theory as

3 kBT/mwherekBis Boltzmann’s constant,
1. 3807 × 10 −^23 JK−^1 ,Tis the absolute temperature, and
mis the mass of the atom.

15.2 In the “solar wind” there are protons entering the earth’s
atmosphere that have such large speeds that one proton has
sufficient kinetic energy to lift a kilogram mass 1.0 foot at
the earth’s surface.

a.Calculate the speed of such a proton.
b.Calculate the de Broglie wavelength of such a proton.

c.If the energy of the proton were converted totally into a
single photon, what would be the wavelength and
frequency of the photon?

15.3 Thermal neutrons are neutrons with a distribution of
speeds nearly like the equilibrium distribution for gas
molecules. In Chapter 9 the most probable speed of gas
molecules of massmis given as

2 kBT/m. Find the de
Broglie wavelength of a neutron moving at the most
probable speed for 300 K. Would thermal neutrons be
useful for diffraction experiments to determine crystal
lattice spacings?

15.4 Find the de Broglie wavelength of a 1500 kg automobile
moving at 65 miles per hour.

(^3) R. P. Feynman, R. B. Leighton, and M. Sands,TheFeynmanLecturesonPhysics, Vol. 3, Addison-Wesley,
Reading, MA, 1965, Ch. 1.

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