Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1
680 15 The Principles of Quantum Mechanics. I. De Broglie Waves and the Schrödinger Equation

d.Express the value ofψ^22 in terms of the parameteraat
each relative maximum.

15.24From the recursion relation of Eq. (15.4-6),

a.Show that ifc 2 is nonzero andc 4 vanishes, the energy
eigenvalue forv2 results.
b.Show that ifb 2 mE 2 /h ̄and ifc 0 −1, then
c 2  2 a, verifying the formula given forψ 2 in Eq.
c.Show that the formula in Eq. (F-41) produces
coefficients in the same ratio for H 2 (

ax) as given in
Eq. (15.4-12).
d.Generate the Hermite polynomial H 4 (

ax) from
Eq. (F-41) and write the formula forψ 4 for the
harmonic oscillator. Do not include the constant in
front, which will be discussed later.

15.25A two-dimensional harmonic oscillator has the potential
energy function



(x^2 +y^2 )

a.Write the time-independent Schrödinger equation and
find its solutions by separation of variables, using the
one-dimensional harmonic oscillator solutions.
b.Find the energy eigenvalues and degeneracies for the
first 10 energy levels.

15.26A three-dimensional harmonic oscillator has the potential
energy function



(x^2 +y^2 +z^2 )

a.Write the time-independent Schrödinger equation and
find its solutions by separation of variables, using the
one-dimensional harmonic oscillator solutions.
b.Find the energy eigenvalues and degeneracies for the
first 5 energy levels.
15.27A diatomic molecule vibrates like a harmonic oscillator
with mass equal to the reduced mass of the nuclei of the

a.Calculate the reduced mass of the nuclei of an HBr
molecule. Calculate its ratio to the mass of a hydrogen
b.The vibrational frequency of the HBr molecule is
ν 7. 944 × 1013 s−^1. Find the force constantk.
15.28A harmonic oscillator potential energy function is
modified so that


kx^2 /2if|x|<x′
∞ if|x|>x′

wherex′is some positive constant that is greater than the
classical turning point for the energies that we will
a.Tell qualitatively how this will affect the classical
b.Tell qualitatively how this will affect the
quantum-mechanical solution.
c.Will tunneling occur? In what region?
d.Draw a rough sketch of the first two wave functions.

Summary of the Chapter

De Broglie sought a physical justification for Bohr’s assumption of quantization, and
hypothesized that all particles move with a wave-like character with a wavelength
given by




wherehis Planck’s constant,mis the mass of the particle, andvis its speed. According
to the concept of wave–particle duality, electrons and other objects have some of the
properties of classical waves and some of the properties of classical particles.
Schrödinger discovered a wave equation for de Broglie waves. The time-independent
Schrödinger equation is an eigenvalue equation

Hψ̂ Eψ
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