Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1
722 16 The Principles of Quantum Mechanics. II. The Postulates of Quantum Mechanics

it was established that if the state just before a measurement ofAcorresponds to an
eigenfunction ofÂ, the only possible outcome of the measurement is the eigenvalue
corresponding to that eigenfunction. This is called the predictable case. If the wave
function is not an eigenfunction of̂A, the standard deviation gives a measure of the
spread of the distribution of results. This is called the statistical case.
The fifth postulate states that in a measurement ofA, if the result isaj, one of
the eigenvalues ofÂ, then the state of the system immediately after the measurement
corresponds to a wave function that is a linear combination only of those eigenfunctions
whose eigenvalues equalaj.
The measurement on the same system of a complete set of commuting observables
suffices to put the system into a state that is completely known, even though only partial
information is available about the state of the system prior to the measurements.


16.43 a.Show that the operatorL̂zis hermitian. Use spherical
polar coordinates.
b.Repeat the proof using Cartesian coordinates.
16.44a. Obtain a formula for the uncertainty productσxσpxfor
each of the first three energy eigenfunctions of a
particle in a one-dimensional box. Comment on any
trend that you see in these values.
b. Evaluate the uncertainty product for each of the first
three energy eigenfunctions of an electron in a box of
length 10.0 Å (1.00× 10 −^9 m).
16.45A free particle that can move only in thexdirection has a
wave function given by




whereais a real constant.
b.Find the possible values that could occur in a single
c.For each of the possible outcomes in part b, tell what
the wave function would be immediately after the
d.For each of the values in part b, tell what the outcome
of a second measurement immediately after the first
measurement would be.
16.46a. Obtain a formula for the uncertaintyσxfor a particle
in a one-dimensional box of lengthafor a state
corresponding to a general energy eigenfunctionψn.

b.Find the limit of the formula of part a asn→∞.

c.Obtain a formula for the uncertaintyσpxfor a particle
in a one-dimensional box of lengthafor a state
corresponding to a general energy eigenfunctionψn.

d.Obtain a formula for the uncertainty productσxσpx
corresponding to a general energy eigenfunctionψn
for a particle in a one-dimensional box of lengtha.

e.For the baseball in Problem 15.13, find the value of
the uncertaintyσx.

f.For the baseball in Problem 15.13, find the value of
the uncertaintyσpx.

g.For the baseball in Problem 15.13, find the value of
the uncertainty productσxσpx.

16.47Label each statement as either true or false. If a statement
is true only under certain circumstances, label it as

a.Every correct nonrelativistic wave function of an
isolated system satisfies the time-independent
Schrödinger equation.

b.Every correct wave function satisfies the
time-dependent Schrödinger equation.
c.Knowledge of the time-independent wave function
provides all available information about mechanical
variables of a system.
d.Knowledge of the time-dependent wave function
provides all available information about mechanical
variables of a system.
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