Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

756 17 The Electronic States of Atoms. I. The Hydrogen Atom

We can obtain this quantity from the expectation value of the kinetic energy:

〈K〉−E 1  2. 18 × 10 −^18 J

〈v^2 〉
2 〈K〉

2(2. 18 × 10 −^18 kg m^2 s−^2 )
9. 11 × 10 −^31 kg

 4. 69 × 1012 m^2 s−^2

vrms〈ν^2 〉{^1 /^2 } 2. 16 × 106 ms−^1

which is smaller than the speed of light by a factor of roughly 1/100. For elements past the
middle of the periodic table, the electron speeds approach the speed of light. For accurate
work with these elements, relativistic corrections must be included or the Dirac equation must
be used.

Exercise 17.15
The kinetic energy of 1selectron in a hydrogen-like atom is proportional toZ^2. Find the root-
mean-square speed of a 1selectron in a uranium atom withZ92. Compare this with the speed
of light.

Thezcomponent of the intrinsic angular momentum is found experimentally to
have one of only two possible values,h/ ̄ 2 and−h/ ̄ 2. We denote the intrinsic angular
momentum bySand write


h ̄


We assign a new quantum number,ms, for thezcomponent of the intrinsic angular
momentum, with the values





so that:

Szmsh ̄ (17.7-3)

The values ofmsfollow the standard pattern of angular momentum quantum num-
bers if we assign a quantum numbers 1 /2 for the square of the intrinsic angular
momentum. The square of the intrinsic angular momentum has the fixed value

S^2 h ̄^2






+ 1




h ̄^2 (17.7-4)

The orbital angular momentum and the intrinsic angular momentum are different
from each other in three ways. First, the orbital angular momentum occurred naturally
in the solution of the Schrödinger equation, whereas the intrinsic angular momen-
tum is arbitrarily added to the Schrödinger theory. Second, the magnitude of the orbital
angular momentum takes on various quantized magnitudes, whereas the intrinsic angu-
lar momentum has only one fixed magnitude. Third, the intrinsic angular momentum
corresponds to quantum numbers that are half-integers instead of integers.
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