Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

18.5 Angular Momentum in the Helium Atom 775

There are operators for all of these quantities and theirzcomponents. The eigenvalues
of thêJ^2 ,̂Jz,̂L^2 ,̂Lz,̂S^2 , and̂Szoperators follow the same pattern as other angular
momenta, as follows:

̂J^2 Ψh ̄^2 J(J+1)Ψ (18.5-4)

̂JzΨhM ̄ JΨ (18.5-5)

̂L^2 Ψh ̄^2 L(L+1)Ψ (18.5-6)

̂LzΨhM ̄ LΨ (18.5-7)

̂S^2 Ψh ̄^2 S(S+1)Ψ (18.5-8)

̂SzΨhM ̄ SΨ (18.5-9)

The orbital angular momentum quantum numberLis a non-negative integer. The total
spin angular momentum quantum numberSis a non-negative integer or half-integer,
and the total angular momentum quantum numberJis a non-negative integer or half-
integer. SinceJis the vector sum ofLandS, the largest value that the quantum number
J can have isL+S, and its smallest value is|L−S|. From the universal pattern of
angular momentum quantum numbers,MLranges fromLto−L,MSranges fromS
to−S, andMJranges fromJto−J. Figure 18.3 illustrates how angular momentum
vectors can add vectorially to produce some particular values of the quantum numbers
L,ML,S, andMS. In each diagram, the tail of the second vector is placed at the head
of the first vector, as is done in the geometric representation of vector addition.
In Russell–Saunders coupling, each energy level corresponds to a particular value
ofLand a particular value ofSand is called aterm.ARussell–Saunders term symbol
is assigned to each term. The main part of the symbol is a letter giving the value ofL,
as follows:

Value ofL Symbol


After F the symbols are in alphabetical order. Notice the similarity with the subshell
designations for a hydrogen-like atom.
A left superscript with the value 2S+1 is attached to the term symbol. For two
electrons we can haveS0, giving a superscript of 1 (asinglet term), or we can have
S1, giving a superscript of 3 (atriplet term). For a single electron we can have only
S 1 /2, giving a superscript of 2 (adoublet term). IfS 3 /2, the superscript equals
4(aquartet term), and so on. The value of the left superscript is called themultiplicity
of the term. A right subscript can be attached to the term symbol to specify the value
ofJ, but is sometimes omitted.
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