Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1
798 19 The Electronic States of Atoms. III. Higher-Order Approximations

This equation is solved numerically and the resulting solution is used under the integral
for the next iteration, and so forth. The equation for thejth iteration is:

h ̄^2
2 m

∇ 12 ψ( 1 js)(1)−

4 πε 0 r 1

ψ( 1 js)(1)+


4 πε 0 r 12

|ψ( 1 js−1)(2)|^2 d^3 r 2


ψ( 1 js)(1)

E( 1 js)ψ( 1 js)(1) (19.2-5)

When additional iterations produce only negligible changes in the orbital function and
the energy, we say that the integral term provides a self-consistent energy of electron 1,
or aself-consistent field. At this point, the iteration is stopped and we assume that our
result resembles the best possible orbital. Hartree carried out this solution prior to the
existence of programmable computers.

at the University of Manchesterandwas
laterProfessorof Mathematical Physics
atCambridge University. He becamea
computerpioneer,working with ENIAC,
one of the early electronic computers.
ShortlyafterWorldWarII he saidthat
computers wouldhaveasgreatan
effect oncivilizationas wouldnuclear

In the SCF method, the expectation value of the energy is not the sum of the
orbital energies, because the electron–electron repulsion has been included in solving
Eq. (19.2-3) for each of the electrons. The sum of the two orbital energies therefore
includes the electron–electron repulsion energy twice. We correct for this double inclu-
sion by subtracting the expectation value of the electron–electron repulsion energy from
the sum of the orbital energies. Ifniterations have been carried out, the energy of the
helium atom in its ground state is

E(atom) 2 E( 1 ns)−

4 πε 0 r 12

|ψ( 1 ns)(1)|^2 |ψ 1 (ns)(2)|^2 d^3 r 1 d^3 r 2

 2 E( 1 ns)−J 1 s 1 s (19.2-6)

The integralJ 1 s 1 sis called aCoulomb integralbecause it represents an approximate
expectation value of a Coulomb (electrostatic) repulsion energy between two electrons.

The Hartree–Fock–Roothaan Method

Fock modified Hartree’s SCF method to include antisymmetrization.^7 Roothaan further
modified the Hartree–Fock method by representing the orbitals by linear combinations
of basis functions similar to Eq. (16.3-34) instead of by tables of numerical values.^8
In Roothaan’s method the integrodifferential equations are replaced by simultaneous
algebraic equations for the expansion coefficients. There are many integrals in these
equations, but the integrands contain only the basis functions, so the integrals can be
calculated numerically. The calculations are evaluated numerically. This work is very
tedious and it is not practical to do it without a computer.

VladimirAleksandrovich Fock,
who taughtat the University ofSt.
Petersburgforover40 years. He made
manycontributionstoquantum physics
andto otherfields of physics.

developedhis methodinhisdoctoral
dissertationinthe late 1940sat the
University of Chicago,afterbeing
campduringWorldWarII. He becamea
professorof physicsat the University of

Various kinds and numbers of basis functions have been used. Hydrogen-like basis
functions turn out to consume a lot of computer time.Slater-typeorbitals(STOs) require
less computer time and are a common choice. Each Slater-type orbital is a product of
three factors:rraised to some power, an exponential factor, and the correct spherical
harmonic function. Using a large basis set of STOs, Clementi and Roetti obtained
an approximate energy for the ground state of the helium atom equal to− 77 .9eV,
compared with the experimental value of− 79 .0eV.^9 Basis sets ofGaussian functions
are also used, in which the radial factor in the orbital is a Gaussian function. Some
basis sets include sums of several Gaussian functions that approximate Slater-type

TheSlater-type orbitalsarenamedafter
the same JohnC.Slaterafterwhom the

(^7) V. Fock,Zeits. f. Phys., 61 , 126 (1930).
(^8) C. C. J. Roothaan,Rev. Mod. Phys., 23 , 69 (1951).
(^9) E. Clementi and C. Roetti,At. Data Nucl. Data Tables, 14 , 177 (1974).

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