Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

812 19 The Electronic States of Atoms. III. Higher-Order Approximations

predicted by the diagonal rule.^25 However, assigning a single configuration to an atom
is only an approximation. The correct wave function more nearly resembles a linear
combination of various configurations as in Eq. (19.6-1), and in assigning a single
configuration we are hoping only to identify the most prominent configuration.
The diagonal mnemonic rule does not necessarily apply to ions, because the shielding
is different for ions than for neutral atoms. For example, the iron atom has six 3d
electrons and two 4selectrons, in conformity with the diagonal rule. The Ni^2 +ion,
with the same number of electrons but with two additional protons in the nucleus, has
eight 3delectrons and no 4selectrons. The correct electron configuration for positive
ions can usually be obtained by finding the configuration of the neutral atom and then
first removing electrons from the outer shell, which is not necessarily the subshell to
which the last electrons were assigned by use of the diagonal mnemonic rule.

Hund’s Rules

For those elements with partially filled subshells, the values of the quantum numbers
L,S, andJof the ground level can be predicted by using three rules due to Hund, which
generally agree with experiment and with SCF calculations.Hund’s first ruleis:For a
given configuration, the level with the largest value ofShas the lowest energy. Hund’s
second ruleis:For a given value ofS, the level with the largest value ofLhas the
lowest energy. Hund’s third ruleis:For subshells that are more than half filled, higher
values ofJcorrespond to lower energies, and for subshells that are less than half filled,
lower values of Jcorrespond to lower energies.Hund’s second rule is applied only
after the first rule has been applied, and the third rule is applied only after the first
and second rules have been applied. The second rule can be regarded as a tiebreaker
for the first rule, and the third rule can be regarded as a tiebreaker for the second
rule.^26 Hund’s first rule has been explained by the idea that in the triplet spin state the
symmetric spin factor combines with an antisymmetric space factor, corresponding to
a lower probability that the electrons will be found close together. This interpretation
has been challenged, since calculations have indicated that the electron’s proximity to
the nucleus or nuclei is the more important property. It is best to regard Hund’s rules
as empirical rules based on observations. They are quite reliable for ground levels, but
less reliable for other levels.^27
In order to find the possible values of the quantum numbersS,L, andJwe determine
the possible values ofMS,ML, andMJas in Chapter 18. These quantum numbers are
algebraic sums:



i 1

mi (19.6-2)



i 1

msi (19.6-3)

MJMS+ML (19.6-4)

(^25) W. B. Jensen,J. Chem. Educ., 59 , 635 (1982).
(^26) T. S. Carlton,J. Chem. Educ., 83 , 477 (2006).
(^27) I. N. Levine,op. cit., p. 328ff (note 2).

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