Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

20.4 Heteronuclear Diatomic Molecules 857

Place a chargeQatr 2 and a charge of−Qatr 1. Thexcomponent ofμis

μxQx 2 +(−Q)x 1 Q(x 2 −x 1 )

Theyandzcomponents are similar.


μ^2 x+μ^2 y+μ^2 z

) 1 / 2

Q^2 (x 2 −x 1 )^2 +Q^2 (y 2 −y 1 )^2 +Q^2 (z 2 −z 1 )^2

) 1 / 2
Q|r 2 −r 1 |

Exercise 20.17
A quadrupole is the next level beyond a dipole for describing a charge distribution. A particular
simple quadrupole consists of a charge+Qat the origin, a charge−Qat the point (1, 0), a
charge+Qat (1, 1), and a charge−Qat (0, 1). Show that if there are no other charges, the
dipole moment of this collection of charges vanishes.

The classical expression for the dipole moment in Eq. (20.4-9) contains no momen-
tum components, so its quantum mechanical operator is the operator for multiplication
by this expression. The expectation value of the electric dipole of a molecule in a state



μ|Ψ|^2 dq (20.4-11)

whereqis an abbreviation for the coordinates of all particles in the molecule. The
factor|Ψ|^2 is the probability density for finding the charged particles in the system.
The operator contains no spin dependence so spin functions and spin integrations can
be omitted.
In the Born–Oppenheimer approximation the nuclei are fixed and we can sum their
contributions without integrating. The nuclear contribution is given by



A 1

eZArA (20.4-12)

wherennis the number of nuclei andrAis the position vector of nucleus number A,
which containsZAprotons. With a one-term orbital wave function in which the orbitals
are orthogonal to each other, each orbital makes its contribution to the probability
density independently, as in Eq. (18.3-8), which also holds for molecular orbitals. In
an antisymmetrized orbital wave function the total electron probability density is the
same as in the one-term function, as shown in Eq. (18.4-5). The expectation value of
the dipole moment is given by



i 1

ψi(i)∗riψi(i)d^3 riμnuc−e


i 1

ri|ψi(i)|^2 d^3 ri (20.4-13)

whereψiis theith occupied space orbital and whereneis the number of electrons.
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