Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1
888 21 The Electronic Structure of Polyatomic Molecules

Orbital energy











Figure 21.8 Orbital Energies of the Delocalized Pi Orbitals in Benzene by the Hückel

such as the Hückel method, one does not evaluate such integrals, but assigns values to
them at the end of the calculation to obtain agreement with experiment. The approx-
imation scheme used for the various integrals is described in Appendix H, and the
calculations are carried out for the allyl radical. The benzene calculation is similar, but
more tedious.

The Hückel methodwasdevelopedin
the 1930s by Erich Hückel,1896–1980,
a Germanchemist who was also the
co-inventor of the Debye–Hückel theory
of electrolyte solutions.
Figure 21.8 shows the orbital energies of the six LCAOMOs.^5 The pattern of the
energy levels has the same shape as the molecule. This correspondence occurs in the
Hückel solution for all single-ring aromatic molecules. The integralβturns out to be
negative, so that the lowest value ofWfor benzene is

W 1 α+ 2 β (21.6-4)

When each value ofWis substituted into the simultaneous equations a different set of
cjcoefficients is obtained for each value ofW, so that there are six different delocalized
space orbitals. When the value ofWin Eq. (21.6-4) is substituted into the simultaneous
equations, we find that the normalized lowest-energy LCAOMO is

φ 1 



[ψ 1 +ψ 2 +ψ 3 +ψ 4 +ψ 5 +ψ 6 ] (21.6-5)

This orbital has no nodes between the carbon atoms, and an electron moves around
the entire molecule if it occupies this orbital. Other LCAOMOs are obtained from the
other values ofW, which actually represent either relative minima or relative maxima
inW. Figure 21.9 shows a view of the orbital regions of the six LCAOMOs. Since each
of the 2pzbasis functions has a nodal plane in thexyplane, each LCAOMO has this
nodal plane. The sign shown in the figure applies to the region above the plane. The
broken lines represent vertical nodal planes for the other LCAOMOs. A nodal plane
can occur between two carbon atoms or it can pass through a carbon nucleus if the
coefficient for the 2pzorbital of that carbon atom vanishes.
Our results follow the general rule that a higher energy corresponds to a larger
number of nodes. In addition to the nodal plane in the plane of the molecule, there
are no nodal surfaces in the lowest-energy orbital, one nodal plane in each of the next
two orbitals (which are degenerate), two nodal planes in the next two orbitals (also
degenerate), and three nodal planes in the highest-energy orbital. Without doing any
calculations, we might have been able to guess the pattern of the energy levels and the
pattern of nodes in the delocalized orbitals from the possible nodal patterns.

(^5) I. N. Levine,op. cit., p. 634ff (note 2).

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