Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

21.6 Delocalized Bonding 891

Exercise 21.12
a.Describe the pi LCAOMOs in the cyclobutadiene molecule, C 4 H 4 , assuming a square struc-
ture. Use 2sp^2 hybrid orbitals for the sigma bonds, although they do not quite fit. There
are two ways to make a single node in a LCAOMO (either horizontal or vertical). Give the
electron configuration of the ground-state of the molecule.
b.Describe the bonding using the valence-bond method, using the resonance structures:

c.Describe the bonding using the valence-bond method, assuming the single structure with
alternating single and double bonds. The correct structure more nearly resembles one of
these resonance structures with bonds of unequal length. The molecule is not aromatic.^6


Section 21.6: Delocalized Bonding

21.24The motion of the pi electrons around the benzene
molecule is sometimes represented as de Broglie waves
moving around a circular ring. Take the carbon–carbon
distance in the ring as 139 pm, and take the
lowest-energy electron state to have a de Broglie
wavelength equal to the circumference of the ring, the
next to have a de Broglie wavelength equal to half
of the circumference, and so on. Find the energy
and wavelength of the photons absorbed in the
longest-wavelength ultraviolet absorption and
compare with the experimental wavelength of
180 nm.
21.25Using the valence-bond method with resonance, describe
the bonding in CO^23 −.
21.26Describe the bonding of the CO^23 −ion using
LCAOMOs. Place the nuclei in thex−ycoordinate
plane and make delocalized orbitals with the
unhybridizedpzorbitals on all four atoms, trying to
guess where the nodes are in the lowest-energy
delocalized orbitals.
21.27Sketch the orbital regions that you would expect for the
pi electrons in the allyl radical, C 3 H 5.
21.28Sketch the orbital regions that you expect for the pi
electrons in cyclobutadiene, C 4 H 4.
21.29Using the valence-bond method, with resonance where
appropriate, describe the bonding in the molecules:

a.HNO 3
b. SO 2
21.30Using the valence-bond method, describe the bonding
and molecular shape of
b.NO− 2
c.CH 3 (methyl radical)
21.31Carry out the Hückel calculation for the cyclopropenyl
radical, C 3 H 3 , by hand. Notice the similarity with the
analysis of the allyl radical in Appendix H. Sketch the
orbital region of the lowest-energy LCAOMO. Note that
the next-lowest LCAOMOs are degenerate so that
different linear combinations can be chosen. Choose two
that are eigenfunctions of a vertical reflection operator
passing through one of the carbon atoms.

21.32Carry out the Hückel calculation for the cyclopropenyl
cation, C 3 H+ 3. How does it differ from the analysis of the
cyclopropenyl radical?
21.33Use the energy level expressions for benzene and for
1,3-butadiene to obtain two different values for the
parameterβin the Hückel theory, using the fact that the
strongest ultraviolet absorption in benzene is at a
wavelength 180 nm, while the strongest ultraviolet
absorption in 1,3-butadiene is at 217 nm. Compare these
values with an accepted value ofβ− 2 .71 eV^7 and
explain why the values do not agree.

(^6) I. N. Levine,op. cit., p. 639 (note 2); T. H. Lowry and K. S. Richardson,Mechanism and Theory
in Organic Chemistry, 3rd ed., Harper and Row, New York, 1987, pp. 43–44.
(^7) D. J. Royer,Bonding Theory, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1968, p. 162.

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