Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

22.2 The Nonelectronic States of Diatomic Molecules 921

The Rigid Rotor

The rigid rotor is a model system that consists of two nuclei with fixed internuclear
distance equal tore. No vibration is possible. Becauseris fixed at the valuere, the
derivatives with respect torin Eq. (22.2-13) do not occur, and becauseV depends
only onr, the potential energy has a constant value that we set equal to zero:

VV(re)constant 0 (22.2-14)

Equation (22.2-13) now becomes
2 μr^2 e

̂L^2 YErelY (22.2-15)

This equation is the same as Eq. (17.2-6) except for the factor 1/ 2 μr^2 e. It is satisfied
by the spherical harmonic functionYJMof Section 17.2, which we now denote as the
rotational wave functionψrot:

ψrotYJM(θ,φ)ΘJM(θ)ΦM(φ) (22.2-16)

It is customary to use the lettersJandMfor the quantum numbers instead oflandm
for rotational states:

J0, 1, 2,... (22.2-17a)

MJ,J−1,...,−J+1,−J (22.2-17b)

From the angular momentum eigenvalues in Eq. (17.2-27),


h ̄^2
2 μr^2 e

J(J+ 1 )


rigid rotor



The degeneracy of the energy level for a given value ofJis equal to the number of
possible values ofM(Jpositive values,Jnegative values, plus one zero value):

gJ(2J+1) (22.2-19)

Figure 22.1 shows the first few energy levels. The degeneracies are depicted by placing
a line segment for each value ofM.






J 4

J 3

J 2

J 1

J 0


(^2) h 2 r
(^2) e
Figure 22.1 Energy Levels of
the Rigid Rotor.


Assume that the carbon monoxide molecule is a rigid rotor withre 1. 128 × 10 −^10 m. Find
the rotational energy forJ0 andJ1.

(12.000 amu)(15.9949 amu)
12 .000 amu+ 15 .9949 amu

6. 02214 × 1026 amu


 1. 1385 × 10 −^26 kg
E 0  0

E 1 
8 πμr^2 e

(1)(2) 2. 412 × 10 −^22 J
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