The Mathematics of Financial Modelingand Investment Management

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7-Optimization Page 208 Wednesday, February 4, 2004 12:50 PM

208 The Mathematics of Financial Modeling and Investment Management

  1. An inequality constraint


ai, 1 x 1 + ...+ ain, xn=bi
 ≥

can be converted into an equality constraint through the introduction
of a slack variable, denoted by S, or an excess variable, denoted by E,
such that

ai, 1 x 1 + ...+ ain, xn + S = bi


ai, 1 x 1 + ...+ ain, xn – E = bi

  1. A variable with negative sign restriction xi ≤0 can be substituted by
    xi = –xi ′, xi ′ ≥0 while an unrestricted variable can be substituted by
    xi = xi ′– xi ′′, xi ′,xi ′′ ≥0.

There are two major techniques for solving an LP problem: the sim-
plex method and the interior-point method. The simplex method was
discovered by Dantzig in the 1940s. Although the number of iterations
may be exponential in the number of unknowns, the simplex method
proved very useful and was unrivaled until the late 1980s. The exponen-
tial computational complexity of the simplex method led to a search for
algorithms with better computational complexity features, in particular
polynomial complexity. Khachiyan’s ellipsoid method—the first polyno-
mial-time algorithm—appeared in the 1970s. Most interior-point meth-
ods also have polynomial complexity. We will briefly describe both the
simplex and the interior-point methods.

The Simplex Algorithm
Linear constraints identify a region called a simplex. The simplex
method searches for optima on the vertices of the simplex. Recall from
Chapter 5 on matrix algebra that the system Ax = b admits solutions if
and only if rank [Ab] = rank A. We can assume without loss of general-
ity that rank A = m, otherwise we drop redundant equations. The feasi-
ble set is the set B of points that satisfy the constraints

B = {x: Ax = b, x ≥0}
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