The Mathematics of Financial Modelingand Investment Management

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10-StochDiffEq Page 276 Wednesday, February 4, 2004 12:51 PM

276 The Mathematics of Financial Modeling and Investment Management

Note that the solution of a differential equation is a stochastic pro-
cess. Initial conditions must therefore be specified as a random variable
and not as a single value as for ordinary differential equations. In other
words, there is an initial value for each state. It is possible to specify a sin-
gle initial value as the initial condition of a stochastic differential equa-
tion. In this case the initial condition is a random variable where the
probability mass is concentrated in a single point.
We omit the detailed proof of the theorem of uniqueness and exist-
ence. Uniqueness is proved using the Itô isometry and the Lipschitz con-
dition. One assumes that there are two different solutions and then
demonstrates that their difference must vanish. The proof of existence
of a solution is similar to the proof of existence of solutions in the
domain of ordinary equations. The solution is constructed inductively
by a recursive relationship of the type

t t
X(k +^1 )(tω , ) = φ[sXk(sω , )] sd +


k(sω , )]dB

∫ , , s

0 0

It can be shown that this recursive relationship produces a sequence of
processes that converge to the unique solution.


The concepts and formulas established so far for Itô (and Stratonovich)
integrals and processes can be extended in a straightforward but often cum-
bersome way to multiple variables. The first step is to define a d-dimen-
sional Brownian motion.
Given a probability space (Ωℑ,,P) equipped with a filtration {ℑt}, a
d-dimensional standard Brownian motion Bt(ω), is a stochastic process
with the following properties:

■ Bt(ω) is a d-dimensional process defined over the probability space
(Ωℑ,,P) that takes values in Rd.
■ Bt(ω) has continuous paths for 0 ≤t ≤∞.
■ B 0 (ω) = 0.
■ Bt(ω) is adapted to the filtration ℑt.
■ The increments Bt(ω) – Bs(ω) are independent of the σ-algebra ℑs and
have a normal distribution with mean zero and covariance matrix (t –
s)Id, where Id is the identity matrix.
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