The Mathematics of Financial Modelingand Investment Management

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10-StochDiffEq Page 278 Wednesday, February 4, 2004 12:51 PM

278 The Mathematics of Financial Modeling and Investment Management

dX 1 = u 1 dt + v 11 dB 1 + ... + v 1 ddBd
dX 1 r = u dt r + vr 1 dB 1 + ... + vrddBd

or, in matrix notation

dX = udt + vdB

After defining the multidimensional Itô process, multidimensional sto-
chastic equations are defined in differential form in matrix notation as

dX( t ω, ) = u[ tX, 1 ( t ω, ), ..., Xd( t ω, )] dt
+ v[ tX, 1 ( t ω, ), ..., Xd( t ω, )] dB

Consider now the multidimensional map: g(t,x) ≡ [g 1 (t,x), ...,
gd(t,x)], which maps the process X into another process Y = g(t,X). It
can be demonstrated that Y is a multidimensional Itô process whose
components are defined according to the following rules:

∂ gk( tX, ) ,

∂ gk( tX) 1 ∂
gk( tX)
dYk = -----------------------dt + -----------------------dXi + --- --------------------------dXidXj

∂ t ∂ Xi 2 ∑ ∂ Xi∂


i ij, Xj

dBidBj = 1if i = j, 0if ij≠ , dBidt = dtdBi = 0


It is possible to determine an explicit solution of stochastic differential
equations in the linear case and in a number of other cases that can be
reduced to linear equations through functional transformations. Let’s
first consider linear stochastic equations of the form:

dXt = [ At() Xt + at()] dt + σ() t dBt , 0 ≤ t < ∞

X 0 = ξ

where B is an r-dimensional Brownian motion independent of the d-
dimensional initial random vector ξ and the (d× d), (d× d), (d× r) matrices
A(t), a(t), σ (t) are nonrandom and time dependent.
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