The Mathematics of Financial Modelingand Investment Management

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296 The Mathematics of Financial Modeling and Investment Management

the white noise process. The essential differences of this linear model
with respect to the Wold representation of stationary series are:

■ The presence of a starting point and of initial conditions.
■ The absence of restrictions on the coefficients.
■ The index twhich restricts the number of summands.

The first two moments of a linear process are not constant. They can be
computed in a way similar to the infinite moving average case:


cov(xtxth– )= ∑HiΩΩΩΩH' ih– + h ()tvar ()zh′

i= 0

E[]xt = mt = h ()tE[]z

Let’s now see how a linear process can be expressed in autoregres-
sive form. To simplify notation let’s introduce the processes εεεε ̃ t and x ̃ t
and the deterministic series h ̃ ()t defined as follows:

εεεε ̃ t = 

εεεεtif t> 0
x ̃ t= 

xtif t> 0
h ̃ ()= 

htif t> 0
0if t<^0 0if t<^0 0if t<^0

It can be demonstrated that, due to the initial conditions, a linear pro-
cess always satisfies the following autoregressive equation:

ΠΠΠΠ()Lxt =εεεεt + ΠΠΠΠ()Lh × ()tz– 1

A random walk model


xt = xt– 1 + εt = εt+ ∑εti–

i= 1

is an example of a linear nonstationary model.
The above linear model can also represent processes that are nearly
stationary in the sense that they start from initial conditions but then
converge to a stationary process. A process that converges to a station-
ary process is called asymptotically stationary.
We can summarize the previous discussion as follows. Under mild
regularity conditions, any causal stationary series can be represented as
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