The Mathematics of Financial Modelingand Investment Management

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338 The Mathematics of Financial Modeling and Investment Management

Factors can also be obtained through another statistical procedure
called factor analysis. Factor analysis estimates factors using a maxi-
mum likelihood procedure. Suppose that factors are not portfolios but
exogenous variables, such as macroeconomic variables. In this case, the
factor structure is given and the estimation problem becomes one of esti-
mating a regression relationship. This problem can be solved through
maximum likelihood estimates.
Let’s now summarize the previous discussion on multifactor models.
From the point of view of econometrics, the key justification of factor
models is dimensionality reduction. It can be empirically ascertained
that the empirical variance-covariance matrices computed over reason-
able time windows are unstable and noisy. This might be due to various
reasons, in particular to the fact that functional dependence between
variables is more complex than a simple structure of linear correlation.
The key problem is to extract maximum information from noise. Multi-
factor models attempt to provide a solution to this problem within the
domain of simple regressive models. There are different families of mul-
tifactor models: regression over given exogenous variables, factor analy-
sis under the assumption of multivariate random walks, state-space
models. In addition, multifactor models might be applied to both
returns and prices.


The next step is to model factors. This requires introducing a broad
family of ARMA models called Vector Autoregressive (VAR) Models. A
VAR model is a multivariate AR(n) model. In a VAR model the current
value of each variable is a linear function of the past values of all vari-
ables plus random disturbances. In full generality, a VAR model can be
written as follows:

xt = A 1 xt – 1 + A 2 xt – 2 + ...+ Apxtp– + Dst + εεεεt

where xt = (x 1 ,t, ...,xnt, ) is a multivariate stochastic time series in vec-
tor notation, Ai, i = 1,2,...,p, and D are deterministic n×n matrices,
εεεεt = ε 1 ,t, ...ε, nt, is a multivariate white noise with variance-covariance
matrix ΩΩΩΩ= { σij } and st = s 1 ,t, ...,snt, is a vector of deterministic
terms. Using the lag-operator L notation, a VAR model can be written
in the following form:

xt = (A 1 L + A 2 L
+ ...+ AL
n )xt + Dst + εεεεt
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