The Mathematics of Financial Modelingand Investment Management

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458 The Mathematics of Financial Modeling and Investment Management

sure for the process X if X is a martingale with respect to Q and if the
Radon-Nikodym derivative

ξ = dQ---------

has finite variance. The definition of the Radon-Nikodym derivative is
the same here as it is in the finite-state context. The Radon-Nikodym
derivative is a random variable ξ such that Q(A) = EP[ξIA] for every
event A where IA is the indicator function of the event A.
To develop an intuition for this definition, consider that any sto-
chastic process X is a time-dependent random variable Xt. The latter is
a family of functions Ω → R from the set of states to the real numbers
indexed with time such that the sets {Xt(ω) ≤ x} are events for any real
x. Given the probability measure P, the finite-dimension distributions of
the process X are determined. The equivalent measure Q determines
another set of finite-dimension distributions. However, the correspon-
dence between the process paths and the states remains unchanged.
The requirement that P and Q are equivalent is necessary to ensure
that the process is effectively the same under the two measures. There is
no assurance that given an arbitrary process an equivalent martingale
measure exists. Let’s assume that an equivalent martingale measure does
exist for the N-dimensional price process X = (X^1 ,...,XN). It can be dem-
onstrated that if the price process X = (X^1 ,...,XN) admits an equivalent
martingale measure then there is no arbitrage.
The proof is similar to that for state-price deflators as discussed
above. Under the equivalent martingale measure Q, which we assume
exists, every price process and every self-financing trading strategy
becomes a martingale. Using the same reasoning as above it is easy to
see that there is no arbitrage.
This result can be generalized; here is how. If there is a regular defla-
tor Y such that the deflated price process XY = (Y^1 N
tXt , ..., YtXt ) admits
an equivalent martingale measure, then there is no arbitrage. The proof
hinges on the result established in the previous section that, if there is a
regular deflator Y, the price process X admits no arbitrage if and only if
the deflated price process XY admits no arbitrage.
Note that none of these results is constructive. They only state that
the existence of an equivalent martingale measure with respect to a price
process ensures the absence of arbitrage. Conditions to ensure the exist-
ence of an equivalent martingale measure with respect to a price process
are given in the next section.
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