The Mathematics of Financial Modelingand Investment Management

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460 The Mathematics of Financial Modeling and Investment Management

t t

Xt = x + ∫μs sd + ∫σsdBs

0 0

In this process, μs is an N-vector process and σs is an N × D matrix.
Suppose that there are both a vector process ν = (ν^1 ,...,νN) and a vector
process θ = (θ^1 ,...,θN) such that σtθt = μt – νt where the product σtθt is
not a scalar product but is performed component by component. Sup-
pose, in addition, that the process θ satisfies the Novikov condition:

 1

∫ 0

t ⋅
--- θθsd

2 
Ee ∞<

Then there is a probability measure Q equivalent to P such that the fol-
lowing integral


t = Bt + ∫θs sd


defines a standard Brownian motion Bˆt in RD on (Ω,ℑ,Q) with the same
standard filtration of the original Brownian motion Bt. In addition,
under Q the process X becomes

t t
Xt = x + ˆ

∫νs sd + ∫σs dBs

0 0

Girsanov’s Theorem essentially states that under technical condi-
tions (the Novikov condition) by changing the probability measure, it is
possible to transform an Itô process into another Itô process with arbi-
trary drift. Prima facie, this result might seem unreasonable. In the end
the drift of a process seems to be a fundamental feature of the process as
it defines, for example, the average of the process. Consider, however,
that a stochastic process can be thought as the set of all its possible
paths. In the case of an Itô process, we can identify the process with the
set of all continuous and square integrable functions. As observed
above, the drift is an average and it is determined by the probability
measure on which the process is defined. Therefore, it should not be sur-
prising that by changing the probability measure it is possible to change
the drift.
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