The Mathematics of Financial Modelingand Investment Management

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462 The Mathematics of Financial Modeling and Investment Management

dZt = ------dBˆ t

Applying Itô’s lemma, given that ZtVt = St, we obtain the fundamen-
tal result:

dSt = rtdt + σtdBˆt

This result states that, under the equivalent martingale measure, all
price processes become Itô processes with the same drift.

Application of Girsanov’s Theorem to Black-Scholes
Option Pricing Formula
To illustrate Girsanov’s Theorem, let’s see how the Black-Scholes option
pricing formula can be obtained from an equivalent martingale mea-
sure. In the previous setting, let’s assume that N = 3, d = 1, rt is a con-
stant and

σt = σSt

with σ constant. Let S be the stock price process and C be the option
price process. The option’s price at time T is

C = max(S^1
T – K)

In this setting, therefore, the following three equations hold:

dSt = μt
dt + σStdBt

2 c
dCt = μt
dt + σtdBt

dVt = rVtdt

Given that CtVt –^1 is a martingale, we can write

Ct = VtEQt ------- = Et (

[e –rT – t)max(ST – K)]
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