The Mathematics of Financial Modelingand Investment Management

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22-Credit Risk Model Derivs Page 733 Wednesday, February 4, 2004 1:12 PM

Credit Risk Modeling and Credit Default Swaps 733

are then converted into uniform random variables by cumulative proba-
bility functions.
Once we have the vector of correlated random uniforms u we can
calculate the corresponding default times knowing that asset i defaults
in trial n at time T given by

Tin = – -------------

Comparing Default Correlation and Default Time Correlation
In addition to correlating default times, we could correlate default
events. There is no simple way to do this directly. It is better to correlate
the assets using some other mechanism and then measure the default
correlation a posteriori. The question is: If we implement a model which
correlates default times, how does the correlation relate to default cor-
relation as defined above.
In common with the case of default correlation, it is only possible
to have a 100% pairwise correlation in default times between two
assets if both assets have the same default probabilities. Otherwise, the
distributions are centered around different average default times and
having equal default times and different average default times is not
If we assume that in both cases all assets have the same default
probability, what is the difference between correlating default times and
correlating default events? In the limit of zero correlation there is no dif-
ference as the assets default independently. In the limit of 100% correla-
tion there is a fundamental difference: If default times have a 100%
correlation, then assets must default either simultaneously or with a
fixed time difference.^50 However, if there is 100% default correlation,
then this means that the default of one asset within a certain horizon
always coincides with the default of the other within the same horizon.
In general, we would expect a 100% default correlation to imply that
both assets default together, but this is not a strict requirement. In prac-
tice, the default of one asset may occur at any time and be followed by
default of the other asset at the end of the horizon. Default correlation
is 100%, but default times have a lower correlation.
Consider also the effect of the default horizon. Given that default
times are exponentially distributed, extending the default horizon

(^50) Since the default time correlation of 100% is preserved under translations of the
form Tj = Ti + θ.

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