The Mathematics of Financial Modelingand Investment Management

(Brent) #1

Index Page 758 Wednesday, February 4, 2004 1:13 PM

758 Index

Assets (Cont.)
cash distribution, 69
classes, 3–4. See also Tradi -
tional asset classes
inclusion, 503–507
return distribution, 508
volatility, 752
complexity, 752
covariance, 514
defaulting, 728
probability, 725
expected return, 87
inputs, requirement, 7–8
liquidity, 27
management, 13
risk management, usage,
market value, 40
package, 393
position. See Underlying asset
price, 67
cointegration, evidence, 344
riskiness, 24
selection, 2. See also Invest -
ment management process
methodologies, 324
types, 42
value, influence, 63
volatility, 694
Asymmetric risk, 66
Asymptotic normality, 376
Asymptotically self-similar sta -
tionary sequence, 388
Atlantic options, 65
Attraction, domain, 361
Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF)
test, 312–313, 340
Augmented matrix, 150
Autocorrelation, 287
function, 382. See also Time-
independent autocorrela -
tion function
Autocovariance function, 302.
See also Time-dependent
autocovariance function
Autocross correlations, evi -
dence, 344
Autopredictive model, 285
Autoregressive case, 298
Autoregressive Distributed Lag
(ARDL), 342, 540
Autoregressive equation, 296
Autoregressive form. See Infi -
nite autoregressive form
Autoregressive integrated moving
average (ARIMA), 152, 300
process, 301
Autoregressive models, 288. See
also Vectors
combination, 333
Autoregressive moving average
(ARMA), 297, 311–312,

models, 304–305, 317. See
also Nonstationary multi-
variate ARMA models;
Nonstationary univariate
ARMA models; Station-
ary multivariate ARMA
models; Stationary univari-
ate ARMA models
processes, 299–302, 548. See
also Heavy-tailed ARMA
representation, 297–305
equivalence, 308–309
stationary processes, 300
Autoregressive representation.
See Causal autoregres-
sive representation; Time
Axiomatic set theory, 93
Axiomatic system, 166
Axiomatic theory, 165. See also
Bachelier, Louis, 75, 78–79, 81,

Backward-looking tracking errors,
558, 651
forward-looking tracking errors,
contrast, 555–556
Bader, Lawrence N., 508
Bagehot, Walter, 31
Baillie, R., 344
Balance sheet, usage, 685
Bamberg, G., 353
Bank/dealer counterparties, 717
Bankers Trust, 746
Banz, Rolf, 520
Barbell portfolio, 671
Barra, 578, 581
E3 factor model, 582
fundamental multifactor risk
model, 533
Barrier option, 695
Barrier structural model, 694–696
Basis points, 125
Basket, 50
default probability, 721
default swaps
pricing model, 718–721
valuation, 718–734
market. See Default basket
model, 720
pricing. See Credit default swaps
swaps. See First-to-default
basket swap; Second-to-
default basket swap
Basu, Sanjoy, 520
Bauer, D., 345, 538, 544
Bayesian Information Criteria
(BIC), 318
Bayesian statistics, 316
Beebower, Gilbert, 494
Behavioral finance, 502

Belief, intensity, 165
Bellman, R., 214
Bellman’s Dynamic Program -
ming, 214
Benchmarks. See Nonliability
driven entities
characteristics, 5
establishment, 2
exposure, 657
index, 4, 651. See also Portfo -
risk profile, 553
volatility, 558
risk, 579, 582, 751
volatility, impact, 556–560
Bermuda options, 65
Bernardo, Josè M., 316
Bernoulli, Jacob, 100
Bernoulli distribution. See Joint
Bernoulli distribution
Bernstein, Peter L., 75, 526
Berry, Michael A., 436
Beta, 524–525
characteristics, 565
distributions, 367
portfolio. See Zero-beta port -
usage, 517, 530–533
Bias-variance trade-off, 376
Bid-ask spread, 23, 30, 64, 575
charge. See Dealers
dealer charge, 28
establishment, 31
Billingsley, Patrick, 173
Binomial models, 423–427
one-period interval, 699
risk-neutral probabilities, 426–

Birge, J.R., 202
Bivariate diffusion, 729
Bivariate normal, 196
probability functions, 693
Black, Fischer, 69, 76, 89–90,
451, 477, 499, 521, 637,
638, 684, 695
Black box, 307
representation, 307
Black-Derman-Toy Model, 635,

Black-Karasinski Model, 635,
Black-Scholes equation, 260
Black-Scholes option pricing
formula, 446, 449–452
Girsanov theorem, applica -
tion, 462–463
Black-Scholes-Merton (BSM)
Model, 684–690
implications, 690
Blanchard, O.J., 334
Block trades, 50
Bogey, establishment, 2
Bohr, Niels, 444
Bollerslev, Tim, 344, 346, 382
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