The Mathematics of Financial Modelingand Investment Management

(Brent) #1

Index Page 772 Wednesday, February 4, 2004 1:13 PM

772 Index

Portfolios (Cont.)
selection, 500–503
global probabilistic frame-
work, 490–491
mean-variance analysis, 471
size, impact, 556–560
strategy. See Active portfolio;
Dedicated portfolio strat-
egy; Passive portfolio;
Structure portfolio
selection. See Investment
management process
tilting, 587–589
tracking errors, 558
Positive Itô process, 455
Positive theory, 472
Poterba, J., 343
Potters, M., 329
Power laws
distributions, 351
absence. See Scaling
truncation, 367
Power series, 122, 290
Power utility function, 489
Power-law distributions, 356–358
Power-law tail, 373
Predicted tracking error, 556, 565
Preferred habitat theory, 613, 618
Preferred stock, 25
Premium leg, 680
Premium par yield, 598
Prepayment, 56
option, 56
Priaulet, Philippe, 632, 633
Priaulet, Stéphanie, 632, 633
Price/earnings factor, 520
Price/earnings ratio, 519, 532
Prices. See Clean price; Dirty price
ARDL models, 546
diffusion, 78–80
discovery process, 26
dynamic models, 538–546
exponential divergence, 539
momentum, 572
nonlinear dynamic models,
persistence, 572
processes, sum, 444
risk, reduction, 59
Price-to-book value multiplier, 567
Price-to-book value per share
(P/B) ratio, 561, 563
calculation, 562
Price-to-earnings value multi -
plier, 567
Pricing. See Arbitrage pricing
generalizing. See European
model. See Baskets
relationships, 405–414
examples, 406–414
theory, defining, 455
Primal problem, 210
Primal-dual gap, 210

Primary market, 25
Primitive integral. See Functions
Principal, 52
Principal components analysis (PCA)
model, 335–338
usage, 536
Principal repayment, 56
Probabilistic dynamics, 168
Probabilistic judgments, 167
Probabilistic representation. See
Financial markets
Probability, 170–171. See also
Conditional probability
axiomatic theory, 169
concepts, 165
curves. See Default probability
density. See n-dimensional
probability density
function, time-evolution, 260
disjoint additivity, 171
distribution, evolution, 93
explanation, 167–169
framework, 92
interpretations, 166–167
measure, 441, 642. See also Arti -
ficial probability measure
space, 165, 170, 178, 402
representation, 430
sum, 704
theory, 165–173
development, 80, 737
Processes. See Stochastic pro -
drif, 279
innovation, 310–311
stochastic interval, defining,

volatility, 279
Product market, 21
Product rule, 109
Profit opportunities, reduction, 575
Program trades, 50
Proper subsets, 93–95
Property and casualty (P&C)
companies, 41
Proportionality recovery assump -
tion, 709
Protection buyer. See Lump-sum
Protection leg, 680
Pure bond index matching, 650
Pure expectation theory, 613–617
Pure growth stocks, 563
Pure risk-free discount bond, 606
Put option, 64
Put price, 56
Putable bond, 56
Quadratic optimization prob -
lem, 486
Quadratic Programming (QP),
202, 211–212
Quadratic utility function, 489
Quadratic variation, 221–222

Quah, D., 334
Qualitiative information, inte -
gration, 15–17
Quality risk, 653
Quantile plot, 374
Quantile transformation, 369
Quantitative finance, 283
Quantitative information, inte -
gration, 15–17
Quantitative methods, usage, 14
Quantitative phenomena, dynam -
ics, 96–97
Quantities, 96–100
Quantum physics, 444
Quarterly Derivatives Report,
U.S. Office of the Control-
ler of the Currency, 745
Quotient rule, 109, 113
Rachev, S.T., 189, 329, 389
Radon-Nikodym derivative, 416–
417, 464
definition, 458
usage, 467. See also Continu-
ous-state setting
Ramaswamy, Krishna, 520
Rand Corporation, 82
Random disturbance, 80
Random interest rates, 716
Random matrices, 329–332
relationship. See Capital Asset
Pricing Model
Random Matrices Theory (RMT),

Random Matrix Theory (RMT),

Random phenomena, evolution, 93
Random shocks
accumulation, 217
feedback, 220
Random variables, 32, 172–

  1. See also Normal
    random variable
    convergence, 189–190
    convergence, 190–191
    functions, 177
    joint probability, 176
    probability density, 352
    sequences, 189–191
    Random vectors, 175–178
    Random walk, 221. See also
    Arithmetic random walk;
    independent arithmetic
    random walks; Corre-
    lated random walks; Dis-
    crete random walk
    hypothesis, 343
    models, 324–327. See also Mul-
    tivariate random walk
    empirical adequacy, 327
    Range notes, 54

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