The Mathematics of Financial Modelingand Investment Management

(Brent) #1

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776 Index

Strategic bond/equity mix, 498
Strategic return/risk decisions, 508
Stratified sampling, 650
Stratonovich, Ruslan L., 79, 221,
224, 269
Strike price, 64, 68. See also
Internal strike price
value, 69
Strong consistency, 376
Strong Duality theorem, 210
Strong Laws of Large Numbers
(SLLN), 358, 360
Strong solution, 275, 739
Strong-form efficiency, 32
Stroughair, John D., 378
Structural form models, 696
Structural models, 684. See also
Barrier structural model
advantages/drawbacks, 696
binomial process, 700
Structural-based models, 711
Structured portfolio strategies, 6
Stylized facts, 286
Subexponential distributions,
Subexponentiality, indicators, 256
Subordinate basket credit default
swaps, 681–683
Subordinate basket default swaps,

Subordinated models, 380
Subordinated processes, 383–384
Subsets. See Proper subsets
Subspace algorithm, 538, 544
Subspace-space algorithm, 544
Sum rule, 109
derivatives, computation, 113
number, restriction, 296
second derivatives, calcula -
tion, 119
Summation. See Absolute sum -
Summers, L., 343
Supply-and-demand equilibrium, 77
Supremum, usage, 99
Survival function, 352
Survival probability, 688, 698, 712–
713, 719. See also One-year
survival probability; Total
survival probability
computation, 713–715
labeling, 719
Swaps, 69–70. See also Credit
default swaps; Default
swap; Nth to default swaps
agreements, 26
curves, 608–612
construction, maturity points,

market, government regulation, 610
premium, 680
Switching models. See Markov
switching models

Symmetric Cauchy distributions, 361
Symmetric risk/reward relation -
ship, 66
Symmetric square matrix, 147
System, minimal size, 307
Systematic risk, 513–517, 525,

  1. See also Nonsys-
    tematic risk
    exposure, 656–660. See also
    Nonsystematic risk
    factors, 86, 652, 654. See also
    Unsystematic risk factors
    Systematic-residual risk decom-
    position, 578–580
    closure property, 360
    index, 356
    Takayama, Akira, 483
    Takayasu, H., 388
    Takayasu, M., 388
    Tangency portfolio, 485
    Tangible assets, 21–22. See also
    Intangible assets
    Taqqu, M.S., 355, 387, 389
    Tartaglia, Nunzio, 576
    Tasche, Dirk, 749
    Taxation, issues, 5–6
    Taxes. See Capital gains
    status, 22. See also Financial
    Taylor expansion, 367
    Taylor series
    expansion, 121–126
    usage, 124–125, 126
    Taylor’s theorem, 121
    t-distribution, 392
    Technical analysis, 567, 574
    strategies, 571–573
    Teicher, Henry, 174, 193
    Tempered distributions, 268
    Term structure. See Hazard
    rates; Interest rates; Yield
    determination, 625
    factors, 656
    HJM Model, 640–643
    liquidity theory, 617
    model. See Multifactor term
    structure model
    examples. See One-factor
    term structure models
    principal component analysis,

risk, 658
factors, 653
shape (determinants), classi-
cal economic theories,
Term to maturity, 22–24. See
also Bonds
Terminal payoff, 707
Termination date, 680. See also
Scheduled termination date

Termination value. See Credit
default swaps
Termwise differentiation, rule,
Testing, 315
Thaler, Richard, 572
Theorem of existence. See Exist -
Theorem of uniqueness. See Unique-
Theoretical futures price, 61–62
Theoretical spot rate curve, 603
Thin market, 23
Tick-test rules, 49
Time correlation. See Defaults
Time horizon, 731
Time intervals, 247
Time invariance, 294
Time premium. See Options
Time series, 335. See also Finan -
cial time series; Univari-
ate time series
autoregressive representation,
concepts, 283–286
infinite moving average, 288–297
Time-dependent autocovari -
ance function, 294
Time-independent autocorrela -
tion function, 303
Time-path continuity, 234
Time-separable utility function,

Time-variable economic quanti -
ties, 225
Time-varying interest rates, con -
tinuous compounding, 246
Tobin, James, 22, 24, 477
Todd, Peter, 477
Toft, Klaus Bjerre, 716
Top-down approaches. See Active
Top-down investing, macroeco -
nomic outlook, 567
Top-down passive approaches,

Total excess return, 578
Total excess risk, 578
Total market capitalization, 1
Total protection value. See
Default swap
Total risk, 515
decomposition, 578
Total survival probability, 712
Total variation, 105–106
Toy, William, 638. See also Black-
Derman-Toy Model
Tracking errors, 552–560, 654. See
also Actual tracking error;
Annual tracking error;
Backward-looking track-
ing errors; Forward-looking
tracking errors; Monthly
tracking error; Portfolios
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