The Mathematics of Financial Modelingand Investment Management

(Brent) #1

Index Page 778 Wednesday, February 4, 2004 1:13 PM

778 Index

Vector-valued function, 175
Vladimirou, Hercules, 473
Volatility. See Assets; Equity
clustering phenomena, 753
decays, 378
impact. See Benchmarks; White
models. See Stochastic volatil-
ity models
Volpert, Kenneth E., 650
von Mises, Richard, 166
Waeb-based researech portals,
usage, 17
Wagner, M., 345, 538, 544
Wagner, N., 377
Wagner, Wayne H., 416, 551
Wallace, Anise, 525
Wallace, Stein W., 202, 677
Wallis, J.R., 375
Walras, Leon, 75–78
Wang, Zhenyu, 523
Watanabe, S., 221
Watson, Mark W., 334, 540, 543
Weak consistency, 376
Weak efficiency, 32
Weak Laws of Large Numbers
(WLLN), 358
Weak solution, 275, 739
Weibull distribution, 362–363, 365
MDA, 367
Weil, R.L., 667

West, Richard R., 31
White, Alan, 636, 711, 717. See
also Hull-White Model
White noise, 268. See also Con-
tinuous-time white noise;
Multivariate white noise
inputs, 308
process. See n-dimensional zero-
mean white noise process;
One-dimensional zero-
mean white noise process
volatility, impact, 346–347
Wiener process, 687
Wigner, Eugene, 92
Williams, George, 637
Wilshire Associates, 46–48, 521
Wilson, Kenneth, 11
Wold representation. See Station-
ary series
Wood, E.F., 375
World Bank, 51
Wright, David J., 649
Wu, Wei, 652, 654, 656, 657,
662, 663
Yamai, Yasuhiro, 749
Yield. See Premium par yield
curve. See Inverted yield curve;
Normal yield curve
risk, 671
term structure, 599–612
reinvestment, 598–599

Yield-maturity relationship, non-
uniqueness, 602
Yield-to-maturity measure, 596–599
Yield-to-maturity theory, 616, 617
Yoshiba, Toshinao, 749
Zadeh, Lotfi A., 165
Zahlen, 97
Zellner, Arnold, 748
Zenios, Stavros, 487, 492, 666,
671, 674, 676
Zero matrix, 146
Zero-beta portfolio, 522
Zero-coupon bond, 53, 599, 619,

  1. See also Defaultable
    zero-coupon bond
    arbitrage-free prices, 638
    computation, 639
    expiration, 691
    two-year, 708
    value, 603
    yield, identification, 602
    Zero-coupon risk-free bond, 623
    Zero-coupon Treasury debt issues,
    Zero-coupon Treasury securities,
    package, 604
    Zhou, Chunsheng, 695
    Zipf’s law, 357, 369
    statement, 370

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