_____ Orthographic Projections 5.7
1E}{ft\ \Jj!
I TV(b) I
a -FirstAngle projection b -ThirdAngle projection
Fig. 5.7 Relative Positions of Views
ABeD moving in space (Fig.5.8a), a plane may be generated by a straight line AD moving in
space(Fig.5 .8b) and a straight line in tum, may be generated by a point A moving in space (Fig. 5 .Sc)
Fig. 5.8
Points in Space
A point may lie in space in anyone of the four quadrants. The positions of a point are:
- First quadrant, when it lies above H.P and in front ofV.P.
- Second quadrant, when it lies above HP and behind v.P.
- Third quadrant, when it lies below H.P and behind v.P.
- Fourth quadrant, when it lies below H.P and in front ofV.P.