5.14 Textbook of Enginnering Drawing------------------
1. Line perpendicular to v.p and parallel to H.P.
Problem: A line AB 50 mm long is perpendicular to v.p and parallel to HP. Its end A is
20 mm in front of v.p and the line is 40 mm above HP. Draw the projectons of the line.
Solution (Fig. 5.17) : The line is parallel to H.P. Therefore the true length of the line is seen in the
top view. So, top view is drawn fIrst.
--l~ VP
b'(a') b'(a')
'" ~^0 "'"
(^0) (1J^0 I' xH.Po (1J^0 y
r-a a
(^0) lIJ^0 lIJ
'--b H.P b
(a) (b) (c)
Fig. 5.17 Line perpendicular V.P and parallel to H.P.
- Draw xy line and draw a projector at any point on it.
- Point A is 20 mm in front ofY.P. Mark a which is the top view of A at a distance of 20 mm
below xy on the projector. - Mark the point b on the same projector at a distance of 50 mm below a. ab is the top view
which is true length of AB. - To obtain the front view; mark bl at a distance 40mm above xy line on the same projector.
- The line AB is perpendicular to Y.P. So, the front view of the line will be a point. Point A is
hidden by B. Hence the front view is marked as bl (al). bl coincides with al. - The fmal projections are shown in Fig.5.17c.
- Line parallel to both the planes
Problem : A line CD 30 mm long is parallel to both the planes. The line is 40 mm above HP
and 20 mm in front of V.P.Draw its projection.
Solution: (Fig.5.18)