5.26 Textbook of Enginnering Drawing------------------
Note: When a line is parallel to V.P. and inclined at an angle of e to H.P., this inclination e will be
seen in the front view. e denotes always the true inclination with H.P.
- Therefore from al draw a line at an angle of300 to xy and mark bl such that albl 50mm = true
To obtain the top view ab look from the top Tv:
Since the line is inclined to H.P., its projection on H.P. i.e., the top view will be in reduced length.
- From bl draw a projector to intersect the horizontal line drawn from a at b, ab is the top view
Problem: A line EF 60 mm long is parallel to VP and inclined 30° to HP. The end E is 10 mm above
HP and 20 mm in front ofVP. Draw the projections of the line.
Solution: (Fig.5.33).
o N
Fig. 5.33
Problem: The length of the fromtview of a line CD which is parallel to HP and inclined 30° to VP,
is 50 nun. TheendC of the line is 15 mm in front ofVP and 25 mmabove HP. Draw the projections
of the line and fmd its ture length.
Solution: (Fig.5.34).
x -l--l-----+--y
Fig. 5.34