Textbook of Engineering Drawing, Second Edition

(Jacob Rumans) #1

_____ Intersection of Surfaces 8.3

, ml
" m^3 ,



m 4 ,(mIO' )




10 mlO


ml I


4 ~

Fig. 8.3

The procedure to be followed is the same as that in example above. The curves of intersection
appear as straight lines in the front view as shown in the figure. The two straight lines are at right

Example 3: A vertical cylinder of diameter 120 mm is fully penetrated by a cylinder of

diameter 90 mm, their axes intersecting each other. The axis of the penetrating cylinder is

inclined at 300 to the HP and is parallel to the VP. Draw the top and front views of the

cylinders and the curves of intersection.

Construction: (Fig 8.4)

  1. Draw the top and front views of the cylinders.

  2. Following the procedure in example 1 locate points ml in the top view. Project them to the
    corresponding generators in the inclined cylinder in the front view to obtain points mIl' mlz

  3. Locate points n\ ....... n\o etc., on the right side using the same construction.

  4. Draw smooth curves through them to get the required curve of intersection as shown in the

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